Dedication to All my Friends:)

Song: Second to None by Chris Crocker. Let me tell you the secret behind all my friends. Tristin: Best friends since 6th grade, dated 3 times, now we are only friends. Kiersten: Met her this year, and now we are like besties. Corey: Met through my cousin Jake in the 6th grade, kinda frenemys ever since. He is my vampire buddy:) Tyler: Know each other through church. Calup: Known each other for like. . . ever. . . and Im pretty sure he is love with me. . . ik. . . Anthony: Best friends. . . enough said. Teddy: Freakin’ hilarious although he is a pervert in 2nd period. Bradley: His sister and I hated each other for a really long time now everything is cool;) Haley: Best friends since kindergarden. Elora: Met in 7th grade, awesome friends now:) I’d have to say my favorite part in this video is 2:35 hahaha because I just thought it was hilarious. Chase is awesome:)