How to be the change you want to see in the world….

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. The world today is definitely not a paradise. Hunger, abuse, poverty, pollution and other dangers are all too common. Granted, the world never has and probably never will be perfect, but that is no excuse to not try. You can help to create a better world for the future. Many people believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a difference to the world. They believe only people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and the likes, are capable of making a difference. The truth is, every one of us is put in this world to contribute and make a difference to the world in our own unique way. It need not be anything out of the world. Every effort counts, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. You already have what it takes to make the world a better place. Just do something, do something good.

EndtimeWatchman! Bible Thumping! April 1 2010 p1/11

playlist EndtimeWatchman Returns! Bible Thumping!April 2 2010 PASTOR MANNING MONDAY APR 5 RANDY WEAVER TUESDAY APR 6 DR DONALD BEAN on Chemtrails! WED APR 7 SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS@ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver

Occupy-Wall-Street-Dr.Cornell-West-We-the-People-Have-Found-Our-Voice 9/27/11

Dr. Cornell West We the People Have Found Our Voice 9/27/11 ENHANCED VERSION – This is a special AUDIO BOOSTED VERSION By Ortorea: Main site This is NOT about fighting for individual solitary beliefs because invariably their will always be division, What this is about is THE COMMON CAUSE focus on what we all have in common, NOT OUR DIFFERENCES because if we focus on our own difference then we are doing exactly what the 1% has always done to us by turning each and one one of you against each other. Focus on the REAL issues at hand, the FACT the banks have stolen the USA right out from under you and left you all impoverished. Stay on common ground, and we all can win. This is exactly what the Police want, if this turns Violent !!! because then they will impose Marshall law and throw all the protesters into the ready and awaiting FEMA camps, if you don’t know about the FEMA camps you should research them. Fact is the Police are powerless against peaceful protesters the arrests are purely for show, they have to release them 48 hours later due to lack of evidence. The peaceful protesters are winning by exposing the Police for their Inappropriate actions and behaviour. We have to UNITE peacefully, the Brute force of vicious men DO NOT KNOW how to tackle PEACE LOVING PEOPLES especially when they can be held accountable, their are websites out their that can help you find inner peace here are just a few listed here David Wilcock is very


playlist Hawk LISTEN UP! CALLING ALL FEDS!Intercessors! Praise the Lord Sue B survived the crisis. Please continue to pray for her, Romie, and Jim. Hawk needs prayer and financial support. Write Hawk at Steve Quayle’s address ATTN HAWK – If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 Enerfood! Protect yourself with Mesosilver http 866 233 4633 CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840 DISCLAIMER!!! I POST THESE VIDEOS OUT OF LOVE FOR STEVE AND HAWK AND THE LORD. NO ONE ASKS ME TO PROMOTE STEVE’s INTERESTS OR TO ASK FOR DONATIONS FOR HAWK. I DO THESE THINGS FOR THE LORD JESUS. ON MY OWN WITH NO AFFILIATION WITH QFILES.

Welcome To The New World Order (mirror)
