David Icke – Melbourne 2009 part 23-46 human race get of your knees

David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009. This event is the perfect time to introduce new truth seekers to a fresh new perspective to what is going on in and around us, for you to dissect and research. Some of the topics discussed include: – Who is really running the Nations of the world today? – Are we heading towards a completely controlled and monitored big brother state here in Australia? – Problem Reaction Solution mentality and how we can break free from their lies. – Why is looking inside ourselves for the answers the most important journey we can face? – What can we do to enlighten others of what is really happening in the world around us? – and so much more!” GROUNDCREWS.EU Who are we? We the Ground Crew are a not-for-profit and independent truth seekers who are made up of concerned citizens who give their time freely to formulate a medium for those who seek and speak the truth to converse. The Ground Crew is a voice in Europe for whistleblowers to get the truth out to the public about government and institutional suppression on past and current events and future trends. We strongly believe it’s important that people get informed as soon as possible about the current situation, and thereby the conference objective is to focus on and discuss •important new information – on what is happening geopolitically on many fronts from the economic crises by design, technology suppression, geographic earth change, health and safety issues (vaccination etc). •networking forum – and use this as a network forum whereby people can act accordingly to support whistleblowers and themselves to take issues forward. •preparation – and to discuss how best to prepare-for and navigate upcoming events, emerging social unrest and possible safe locations. www.groundcrews.eu www.projectcamelot.org http

David Icke – Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! Act Three, Part 3

David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009. Playlist: www.youtube.com From: www.truthmovementaustralia.com.au “At Truth Movement Australia we value people who are willing to stand up and share their point of views, no matter how left field they may seem to the average citizen. One man who is known for this is David Icke, a man whos journey has been closely watched by the conspiracy circles for quite some time. Having spoken to David for hours on end just …

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 20-Apr-09 1/4

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 20 Apr 2009 GeraldCelenteChannel.Blogspot.com for more http

Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!

Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute. Celente predicts economic depression, tax rebellions, and food riots. prisonplanet.tv www.trendsresearch.com

Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!

Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute. Celente predicts economic depression, tax rebellions, and food riots. prisonplanet.tv www.trendsresearch.com