Obama Sends Aircraft Carrier After North Korea Attack

Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) — The US sent the aircraft carrier George Washington to take part in exercises off the Korean Peninsula in a show of strength after North Korea fired artillery onto South Korean soil for the first time in half a century. President Barack Obama affirmed the US’s support for South Korea in an interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters. (Source: Bloomberg)

White House’s Lew on Debt Limit: Political Capital With Al Hunt

April 15 (Bloomberg) — White House Budget Director Jacob Lew talks with Bloomberg’s Julianna Goldman about last week’s budget agreement between members of Congress and the outlook for the vote on raising the debt ceiling. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols and Julie Davis discuss President Obama’s speech on reducing the deficit. Zeb Eckert reports on Japan’s nuclear crisis. Commentators Margaret Carlson and Kate O’Beirne talk about Mitt Romney’s moves toward a presidential bid, and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget plan. (Source: Bloomberg)

Locke Says Daley Will `Bring Discipline’ to White House

Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) — US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke talks about President Barack Obama’s appointment of William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former commerce secretary, as his new chief of staff. Locke also discusses the possibility that Gene Sperling will be chosen to replace Lawrence Summers as head of the National Economic Council. He talks with Pimm Fox from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Bloomberg Television’s “Taking Stock.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Rosen Says a Stronger Yuan Will Help China Manage Growth: Video

April 13 (Bloomberg) — Daniel Rosen, principal of the Rhodium Group in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Susan Li about US calls for China to allow its currency to appreciate and the impact a stronger yuan would have on the mainland’s economy. US President Barack Obama met yesterday with Chinese President Hu Jintao and reaffirmed his view that it is “important” for China to move toward a “more market-oriented exchange rate,” a White House aide said. Rosen, speaking from New York, also talked about the international gathering aimed at containing the spread of nuclear material. (Source: Bloomberg)

Tribute To EMS By: Don Mathews

was questioning his career choice and rather or not it really mattered to anyone else! He sent the song out to several Fire and EMS departments! He sent the song along with a letter to Louisiana post hurricane Katrina to show his support and received loads of thanks and gratitude in return. It was then sent to the Whitehouse upon which time we were informed that a lot Emergency Response Personnel in NYC and surrounding areas were still having issues coping with our tragedy of September 11, 2001 …