Did we evolve from apes as Darwinian mechanistic science would have us believe or is there a hidden history of the human race that goes back millions of years according to the Vedas?
Tag: devolution
Who are YOU? a Bunch of Chemicals or the Soul ?
Science has many people thinking that we are just a combination of chemicals, if so why cry when you lose a loved one? they were only chemicals so why cry? NO, we are the Conscious soul in the body and that’s why we have the power to feel! Can a dead body feel ? No because the soul has left. Check this out. Real Science.
Vishnu Comes From Krishna, How ? Here is the Explanation in 5 Minutes
Many people think that Krishna has come from Vishnu, this 5 minute explanation will clear up any misconceptions you have. All Come From Krishna including Vishnu, Lord Rama, Shiva etc etc
All Forms are not God, Why ? Here is the Explanation in 3 Minutes – Hare Krishna!
All Forms are not God, for example Durga or Shiva, Why not? Here is the Explanation in 3 minutes – Hare Krishna!
Different Opinions within Science
In the past scientists’ work based on different assumptions. this is the healthy methodological pluralism.