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Tag: Dimensional
Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes) by William Henry DVD1 (1/6)
Mirrored from bangonitdave
“All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream”: the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke. (music: Rachid Taha “Barra Barra”) Original Uploader:- www.youtube.com
All We See & Seem Is But A Dream Within A Dream
“All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream”: the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke. (music: Rachid Taha “Barra Barra”) Original Uploader:- www.youtube.com
The End Of Time – From 2012 Golden Age David Wilcock
I have been saying that our consciousness may change and that we are leading up to an end of time as we know it. David Wilcock on August 23, 2011 on Coast to Coast agrees. Original Link: www.youtube.com Decoding the Mayan 9th Wave Event Horizon 10/28/2011 www.youtube.com