Puzzling Ancient Anomalies…Who Was Living on Earth Millions of Years BEFORE Modern Humans

Over the past few hundred years an enormous amount of discoveries have been made that simply defy explanation due to their tremendous age. They come in the shape of footprints, or artefacts that could be millions of years old. This leads to the obvious question, who was living on Earth hundreds of thousands of years before we came along.

00:00:13 Artefacts Found in Coal
00:14:06 Very ancient human footprints
00:26:58 On Earth before us
00:41:00 Artefacts that defy explanation
00:54:45 Gold mining 100,000 years ago
01:08:03 Massive anomalies

Before ‘History’ Began…Forgotten Advanced Ancient Civilizations That Once Spanned The Entire Globe

There were once highly advanced civilizations on Earth. They navigated the Oceans leaving enormous monuments as proof of their existence all over the world. From Egypt to Antarctica it seems that nothing was out of their reach. Some of these cultures were Giant, literally enormous people. As we delve into this topic it will become obvious that moving gigantic blocks of stone was not a problem for these people.

00:00:13 Forgotten Civilizations
00:14:18 Part 2
00:29:00 Part 3
00:42:59 Ancient Global Cultures
00:57:34 Lost race of Giants
01:10:27 Giant Stories

Massive Spaceships Above Earth…They’ve Been Watching Our Planet For Millions of Years

The question of whether alien life exists in our solar system has been answered. Not only does it exist, they’ve have been sending spaceships to observe us for thousands of years. Even though some of these crafts are gigantic they pull off manoeuvres both in our air space and under our waters that defy the laws of gravity. The question is, who is controlling these strange crafts?

00:00:13 Mystery object above Earth
00:13:49 Fast walkers
00:26:19 Spaceship debris in Space
00:40:00 Underwater UFOS
00:53:20 Signals from another world
01:08:07 The Tunguska Event

They Simply Can’t Be Explained…Massive Ancient Anomalies Discovered All Over The World

There have been sensational discoveries all around the world that make no sense in any historical context. They involve giants, ancient cities, lost pyramids and underground structures that could be millions of years old. We don’t know who made them of how they came to be but what we do know is that no one can explain them. These discoveries are simply sensational.

00:00:13 70 Million year old city found in Belgium
00:13:51 Giant discoveries in Romania
00:26:48 Unexplained discoveries on the Kola Peninsula
00:39:58 The mysterious pyramids of Bosnia
00:53:41 Bizarre underground tunnels found in Europe
01:06:21 Subterranean city discovery

Baffling Moon Anomalies…Civilizations Beyond Our Comprehension Explored The Moon Long BEFORE Us

The Moon is littered with so many anomalies it’s hard to know where to start. Even some of the craters appear to have been turned into giant machines. On the dark side seems to be a base and the wreckage of a spacecraft left by an extra-terrestrial civilization many thousands of years ago. We don’t even know how the Moon reached its current position, was it towed? We also have numerous reports from cosmonauts and astronauts alike; they cant all be wrong.

00:00:13 Ancient Machine on the Moon
00:13:13 Who Towed The Moon?
00:25:40 Moon Base
00:38:18 Moon Wreckage
00:51:52 Cosmonaut Sightings
01:05:48 Astronaut Sightings