New Arctic Origins Documentary 2019 The 100,000 Year Old Advanced Civilisation That Time Forgot

Way before Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, 100,000 years ago or more, a great Ice Age civilisation lived in the Arctic region, before moving south to Asia as the great ice sheets melted. This, new, never before seen documentary will show how they migrated across the Earth. In the archives of prehistoric peoples this forgotten race has left traces of an advanced body of knowledge, seemingly both spiritual and technological. This theory is now being put forward by highly accredited researchers as evidence for the enormous age of our species and continues to be found not only in the legends of races in every part of the planet but also in the thousands of technological anomalies being unearthed in unlikely geological strata. So, what happened to this mysterious advanced civilisation?

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New Forbidden Locations Documentary 2019 Mysterious Anomalies That Defy Rational Explanation1

Many inexplicable events are happening on Earth right now and there are many places that defy all logic. What happened at these most mysterious places on earth? The anomalies you will see in this new documentary have kept scientists searching for answers and the rest of us astounded by the secrets and mysteries the world continues to reveal. These locations are puzzling in one way or another, however, they remain a complete enigma. Strange, legendary, and weird events, objects, and people are featured.

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New Ellora Caves Documentary 2019 The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India

Everyone is trying to understand how the Ellora caves were built, cut out of the rocks, without the use of ‘modern’ technology it is a
construction that we would be hard pressed to replicate today. This new, never before seen documentary will look closely at this intricate temple and suggest—as have many archaeologists—that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures were far more advanced than some scholars are crediting them for. What baffles experts is their incredible precision and design. It seems very plausible that whoever built these fascinating cave may have been using an unknown advanced ancient technology. Cave 16, the magnificent Kailasa Temple, and is notable for being the largest monolithic structure in the world that was carved out of a single piece of rock!

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New Elon Musk Documentary 2019 SpaceX Mars Missions That Will Change Humanity Forever

What does Elon Musk know that we don’t? In this new, never before seen documentary, Musk claims colonization of Mars is possible and that this colony could save the human race. The SpaceX chief reveals we are just years away from setting up a human camps on the red planet. The self-made billionaire, entrepreneur, and CEO of SpaceX has already begun his mission, and he’s sharing updates with the world every step of the way. SpaceX currently expects to send its first cargo mission to Mars in 2022, with a human mission expected for 2024. The reusable spacecraft can take as many as four astronauts to the Martian surface and allow them to stay up to two months. The spacecraft would allow the team to travel back to the Mars Base to prepare for the next mission.

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New Lost Civilizations Documentary 2019 Cities Beneath the Jungles, Deserts and Seas

There are many ancient mysteries in human history, none capture the attention as much as long lost civilisations that have never been rediscovered. In a new, never seen before documentary, we will look in deserts, dense jungles and even underwater and prove that ancient cities are just waiting to be found. With the advance of new technology, it is entirely possible that archaeologists will one day make a history changing discovery that will simply defy comprehension, by unearthing a previously unknown civilisation.

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