NEW DOCUMENTARY Strange True Stories That Would Make Amazing Movies MARCH 1 2018

Strange, funny, and W.T.F. stories that are actually true. Here are just some of the weirdest stories to ever hit the internet. A new documentary that covers stories that we believe would make great movies. Including ….

The disappearance of Mary Boyle, people going missing on cruise ships, vanishing without trace, Bigfoot encounters, strange goings on in the woods, mysterious boom sounds, the eerie hum sound, unexplained phenomena on ghostly Dartmoor, weird creatures, UFO cases, crooked forests and much more ……….. March 1 2018

NEW DOCUMENTARY You Won’t Believe These Are True Stories MARCH 1 2018

Ever had something happen to you so unbelievably ridiculous that no one would ever believe you if you told them? This is a new documentary released today that covers real stories that will blow your mind. Including…

The man who time traveled to the year 6000, cities and landscapes just appearing in the sky, Rob Lowe encounter with Bigfoot, a UFO encounter that left Guillermo Del Toro speechless, the strange paranormal activity at Mount Shasta, real life Mothman encounters, doppelgangers and mysterious stories of why you shouldn’t go in the forest at night. Release date March 1 2018

JFK Assassination Questions that Just Won’t go Away DOCUMENTARY

This documentary is jammed with detail on every aspect of the John F Kennedy assassination, the investigations, the suspicions that fell on the Mafia, the FBI, the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans–all the usual suspects. For its comprehensiveness alone, this would be the one documentary for anyone seeking a really thorough examination of the assassination (but it sorely needs an index).

Jim Marrs is sensible and straightforward, giving every side of disputed questions, though it is clear that for him, as for most thoughtful people, the Warren Commission’s picture of Oswald as a lone assassin doesn’t work. The author talked to witnesses never officially interviewed, even offers never-before-seen pictures (though these contain nothing very startling). His conclusion: Kennedy made so many enemies in business, the military, the right wing, the mob, that his death became inevitable. He sees no Washington-based assassination plot, simply a willingness at the highest level (specifically Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover) to relax protective vigilance enough to allow the deed to be done.

David Paulides New Unexplained Disappearances That ‘Might’ Make You Avoid National Parks

Drawing upon his experience as a police officer David Paulides started searching for clues in some of the most puzzling missing persons cases of all time. Over his years of involvement with numerous search and rescue operations at several different National Parks, he had detected a trend that he couldn’t understand. A Ranger explained that during the first 7 – 10 days of a disappearance he would witness massive Search and Rescue activity and significant press coverage. Following this initial week -long effort there was almost always an immediate halt to the coverage, a discontinued search for the victims and no explanation from the search authorities.

It bothered Paulides enough that he began asking questions yet he got no answers. So he conducted research. What he discovered astounded him. People of all ages have been disappearing from National Parks and Forests at an amazing rate, all under similar circumstances. Even now the Park Service refuses to follow up or keep any sort of national list and/or database of the missing people.

The Hidden History of Serpents Mound DOCUMENTARY

This documentary is an exploration of ancient Ireland and its Neolithic past. Uncovering a shared global phenomena involving Serpents. Ancient tales tell us of St Patrick coming to Ireland to rid it of Serpents, but not in the sense that we had assumed. Following the trail, it leads me down a rabbit hole with widespread implications for modern living and shocking undertones.

Irish born author Barry Fitzgerald and star of Ghost Hunters International formerly on the USA SyFy Channel teams up with Irish author and supernatural investigator Cormac Strain and unite forces as they begin combing Ireland for stories of weird and the supernatural, stories that can still affect us today. The team which includes Max, Barry’s trusted four-legged companion will delve into myths which take them to the remotest parts of Ireland going up against nature in all its forms as they attempt to get to the bottom of the story.