Forbidden Knowledge Revealed – Secret Societies Biggest Secret DOCUMENTARY

Journeys across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world’s most powerful men and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. This documentary delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.

Gets to the core of the secret societies’ belief systems. -Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults. Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America. Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it. -Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds. Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that this documentary does, and shows the search for ultimate truth.

The Real Secret Society Conspiracy that has been ongoing for Centuries DOCUMENTARY

This documentary provides startling evidence for a true and all too real conspiracy that has been ongoing for centuries. The knowledge and power of these people would be deemed sacred and protected. Whether it was practical methods of survival such as navigation and measurement or inner psychological and spiritual wisdom, it would become the foundation for secret societies the world over. This is the story of the groups who have guarded this sacred knowledge for centuries.

So who really runs the world, what is the real significance of Rosslyn Chapel? What were the Templars, Assassins, Druids, Augurs, Sufi’s and many more really planning for all of mankind? Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups.

Spooky Real Ghost That Will Chill You to the Core DOCUMENTARY

See and hear real spirits captured on film and tape! This fascinating documentary features some creepiest ghost stories that defy rational explanation. Lean about who ghosts are, why they “live” among us, how you can communicate with them, and what to do if you encounter one.

Ghosts . . . are they real spirits or just the stuff of scary stories? Scientists have yet to find any evidence spirits of the dead exist in our world, yet many people believe they do. Whatever our opinions, of ghosts, poltergeists, and hauntings exist in many cultures. At times helpful, at times terrifying, ghosts have a fearful grip on our reality.

Forbidden History of the Serpent Worshipping Cults DOCUMENTARY

This documentary shows substantial proof for the existence of a cult-like worship of the serpent across the ancient world. Most ancient nations admitted the serpent into their religion either as a symbol of divinity, charm, oracle, or as a god. The prototype of this idolatry certainly goes back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. But it may go back even further to the time of the Anunnaki, in which the fallen god Enki genetically modified his Primitive Worker earth creature. “To earth from heaven they came” was the Anunnaki, and they were the fallen ones and originators of the Serpent Tribe ideology and religion we find throughout history and throughout most cultures.

The snake has been variously adored as a regenerative power, as a god of evil, as a god of good, as Christ (by the Gnostics and other religious sects), as a phallic deity, as a solar deity, and as a god of death. It has also served as the symbol of Satan and many deities, including Apollo and the Egyptian god Ra. Snake worship found expression in both the Toltec and Aztec periods of prehistoric Mexican civilization.

Our Serpent History Revealed – Forbidden Knowledge DOCUMENTARY

The history of the reptilian agenda and alien visitation in ancient times now has a solid opponent – giving answers for the many symbols and myths often confused by those who believe in such things. This documentary reveals the real “bloodline” spoken of by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code- it was in fact a serpent bloodline.

Looks at how the earliest civilizations were influenced by the serpent and gives us a clear shot at understanding why ancient man worshipped the snake. The diversity of serpent / snake symbols is explained by the fact that snakes are in permanent contact with the forces of the earth, waters, darkness, and the underworld.