Technologically Advanced Ancient Civilizations That We Still Don’t Understand

Several puzzling archaeological sites show clear signs of advanced technology and machining that seem to be the work of a civilization that came to Earth many thousands of years ago. Ancient astronaut theorists believe that some of these ancient sites and artifacts were either built by extraterrestrials or that aliens provided the knowledge or technology for the people to build them. There are discrepancies appearing in the accounts historians are telling us.

This is a powerful journey through human history that explores fascinating unanswered questions about the origins of our civilizations. Transporting viewers around the globe, this video explores the fascinating enigmas and mysterious artifacts our ancestors left behind, from incredible objects to amazingly accurate ancient stonework.

Angel, Alien and UFO Sightings That Are Beyond Human Perception DOCUMENTARY

As this documentary shows the sky is alive and has been for millennia with non-human activity, much of which is not visible to the naked eye. See concrete evidence with real video from beyond human perception and discover a realm of fallen angels and otherworldly visitors in a universe that is beyond our comprehension. Dare to ask yourself, what is our place in the cosmos?

Now for the first time, the un-seeable and unbelievable has been caught on video by multiple individuals who have not only captured mind bending video of Entities, UFOs and Angels, but have been profoundly affected by their experiences. Confronted by the unknown, they all share a deep and unwavering need to know and understand the phenomenon they are experiencing.

Crop Circles the Real Reason for these Bizarre Formations DOCUMENTARY

Massive circles forming in minutes before eye witnesses and see the evidence for yourself. What causes these often beautiful designs? Is it man-made? Or the work of aliens? Or is there more to it than meets the eye? Embark on a journey into the mysterious world of crop circles like never before. and find out the truth about crop formations.

There’s no doubt that crop circles exist – that’s undisputed. Crop circles are an ever on-going phenomenon, the pictograms growing in complexity year by year. So what are crop circles? Are they a new form of human graffiti? Are they messages from extraterrestrials? Are they a cry for help from our own Mother Earth or Mother Nature? Are they a now and again mysterious, but ultimately natural, even if chaotic feature of Mother Nature – say weather or biological phenomena? Are they in fact none of the above?

UFO Crashes That Still Remain a Mystery DOCUMENTARY

From the dark years of the UFO era, this amazing documentary details the facts they DON T want you to know. UFO’s are real and the government and military forces know it. These factions have researched and investigated sightings as early as the late 1930’s, while simultaneously denying any interest in the UFO phenomenon. They have been debunking and covering up UFO sightings, crashes and incidents for decades.

Join us on the UFO subject for a wild trip through the UFO Cover-Up, Government Secrecy and UFO Crash Retrievals. Exclusive information, interviews and stories highlight this presentation which contains a substantial amount of information not seen or available elsewhere.

Darkest UFO Secrets that Defy Explanation DOCUMENTARY

You will be amazed and bewildered by countless UFO sightings by credible witnesses that defy explanation. UFO’s are real and they are here whether we like it or not, and their technology far exceeds ours. If they decided to take over the human race, there would be little our government and military factions could do about it.

Shocking worldwide UFO encounters and provocative actions; cases of mysterious lights, explosions and UFO landings in the USA and much more!