Darkest UFO Secrets that Defy Explanation DOCUMENTARY

You will be amazed and bewildered by countless UFO sightings by credible witnesses that defy explanation. UFO’s are real and they are here whether we like it or not, and their technology far exceeds ours. If they decided to take over the human race, there would be little our government and military factions could do about it.

Shocking worldwide UFO encounters and provocative actions; cases of mysterious lights, explosions and UFO landings in the USA and much more!

Suppressed UFO Crash Facts they DON’T want you to know DOCUMENTARY

For those who don’t believe that Aliens have invaded our planet, this amazing documentary reveals the facts they DON’T want you to know. This cult classic presentation covering suppressed and hidden information about the strangest and most fantastic UFO incidents in history.

You will be amazed and bewildered by countless UFO sightings by credible witnesses that defy explanation. UFO’s are real and they are here whether we like it or not, and their technology far exceeds ours.

Breathtaking Secret Discovered Hidden in Rosslyn Chapel DOCUMENTARY

This unique documentary presents startling evidence that suggests there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now legendary Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. A working portal has been discovered in the chapel and, crucially, also the means to activate it.

Discover the amazing and devilish frequency uncovered by Brian Allan as part of the secret, hidden language within the Chapel. Learn about the “keys” said to be buried beneath the floor and which may open a gateway to another world. Listen to the notes banned by the Catholic Church and played within the walls of Rosslyn itself, with a frightening outcome! Dare to go where no one has been since the 15th century.

Occult Explained What They Don’t Want You To Know DOCUMENTARY

Is the Occult truly synonymous with demonic possession and satanic worship or is it an empowering practice that predates history? Discover the secret and enter the world of Magick unlocking the key to your personal path. As this documentary explains, occultism is the study of occult or hidden wisdom (to the occultist, it is the study of “Truth”, a deeper truth that exists beneath the surface).

Religion, shamanism, ritual magick, sacred practices and more are brought forth and put into our modern day perspective. The great master himself, Aleister Crowley, Dr. John Dee, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and others are examined in this eye opening documentary.

Human Hybrids Are Real Must See Transhumanism DOCUMENTARY

This documentary shows modern man has technology to create unimaginable race of human hybrids. When man tries to play God some odd things begin to happen. What is transhumanism? Tom Horn is a good authority to find out! Today we have the technology to go beyond any limitation … nanotechnology, biotechnology, neuroscience, informatics … all of these knowledge fields will soon converge.

Using Darwinian principles to “improve” mankind is founded on the understanding that man has evolved over millions of years and that therefore we were less or “sub” human in the past. Then, logically we will evolve into something more/better or “post human” in the future. The concept that we can assist our evolution through scientific means isn’t new and is unfortunately gaining widespread popularity.