The Seth Material DOCUMENTARY Channelled by Jane Roberts

A truly remarkable documentary about the experience with a remarkable spiritual entity. This documentary chronicles Seth’s contact with author and medium Jane Roberts. This classic work in the area of spiritual growth contains spiritual wisdom and practical advice to solve everyday problems, expand consciousness and directly connect with our own greater knowledge and being. It includes a description of the circumstances that led to Jane Roberts speaking for the internationally acclaimed non-physical teacher known as Seth, who has written over 26 books which have been translated into numerous languages and have sold millions of copies throughout the world.

Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, experimented with a Ouija board as part of Roberts’ research for a book on extra-sensory perception. Roberts and Butts began to receive coherent messages from a male personality, who later identified himself as Seth. Soon after, Roberts reported that she was hearing the messages in her head. She began to dictate the messages instead of using the Ouija board, and the board was eventually abandoned. For 21 years until Roberts held regular sessions in which she went into a trance and spoke on behalf of Seth.

Psychic Abilities That Are Beyond Our Comprehension DOCUMENTARY

These psychic abilities—which we all possess—offer a spacious mind that can change your life and your view of reality. The mind has abilities far beyond what our modern worldview deems possible. Stories of things like extrasensory perception (the ability to mentally receive information without the use of conventional channels), precognition (the ability to see the future), and psychokinesis (the ability to move physical things with the mind) have been reported from ancient times. Many people claim to be psychic, we’ve all heard amazing stories, they are real if you know how to use them.

In this documentary film you will see proof of the human psyche, or soul, and it’s unlimited psychic potential. You will discover how to develop your own psychic abilities and some positive ways of applying them to your daily life.

Edgar Cayce the World’s Most Mysterious Man DOCUMENTARY

While in a trance state, Edgar Cayce’s ability to peer into the past and future with uncanny psychic accuracy was demonstrated repeatedly. Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come as well as ancient history, including the geological evolution of the planet and details of tribes and civilizations that predate recorded history.

Cayce emphasized the importance of diet and exercise, attitudes and emotions, and holistic treatments for various illnesses in personal readings that he gave to individuals. Sixty-six years after his death, the information contained in the Cayce health readings is still being applied today and modern medicine is beginning to acknowledge the health benefits of many of Cayce’s natural remedies. As a result, he has been called “the father of holistic medicine” and has been recognized for describing the workings of the human body and foreseeing the direction of health care well ahead of his time.

Helen Sewell The astrology of current events

With world events seeming to grow ever-more complex and unpredictable, respected psychological astrologer Helen Sewell examines the astrological influences that are affecting things today and discusses the exciting changes that we are experiencing, together with others we will see in the next few years, as determined by the movements of the planets. Helen believes that astrology deserves to be taken far more seriously and in this presentation she demonstrates how its impact and reality can be clearly seen all around us in world events.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers (Glastonbury Symposium)

Roeland Beljon – Researching crop circles

Researcher Roeland Beljon recounts the many crop circles he has investigated and some of the remarkable events he has experienced, both in the UK and in his home of The Netherlands. Through the years his view on the phenomenon and how it should be researched has changed. Looking back, Roeland sees that his life turned out very differently than it would have done without the crop circles. He has travelled much further ‘down the rabbit hole’ than he ever would have imagined.

Researcher Roeland Beljon recounts the many crop circles he has investigated and some of the remarkable events he has experienced, both in the UK and in his home of The Netherlands. Through the years his view on the phenomenon and how it should be researched has changed. Looking back, Roeland sees that his life turned out very differently than it would have done without the crop circles. He has travelled much further ‘down the rabbit hole’ than he ever would have imagined.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers (Glastonbury Symposium)