Joy Wisdom – The Impact of Generational Trauma

Clinical practitioner and psychic healer Joy Wisdom discusses how cultural traumas and underestimated impacts from birth experiences continue to play a big part in later life and how emotional, physical and psychological impacts absorbed via our forefathers’ history shape our whole world today, setting foundations for anxiety, depression, survival-living and unhappy relationships. Joy explains techniques which can deal with these unseen impacts and turn negative diagnoses into a more positive outlook.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers (Glastonbury Symposium)

Tortuguero Prophecy the Real Meaning of Mayan Prophecy

This video offers an extensive study of many modern theories, including Terence McKenna’s timewave zero and Maurice Cotterell’s sunspot research as well as anomalous phenomena such as near death experiences and crop circles. Sifting through all the scientific research and speculation that the year 2012 has inspired, Geoff Stray provides an encyclopedic look at what we might really expect on this pivotal date.

Geoff Stray, author of Beyond 2012, for decades has been studying ancient and modern prophecies of global transformation which it was said would begin from the year 2012 onwards. In April 2006 an important development in the understanding of the Mayan predictions occurred – the entry into the public domain of the ‘Tortuguero Prophecy’. When compared to the ‘real’ Maya prophecies from the books of Chilam Balam, it sheds light on the ‘end of time’, something backed up by the more recent visions of near-death experiencers. Geoff investigates what it all means.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium]

William Broom Do We Live in Times of Spiritual Revelation

Bestselling spiritual author and holistic thinker William Bloom shows how the mystics of all traditions communicate the same message: the more you know, the less you now. Yet we seem programmed to enquire and comprehend as if this will bring true illumination. And sometimes it does! William discusses this perennial paradox and assesses to what degree our modern culture offers anything new. Are we living in a time of revelation? Or is it just more of the same human delusions? William is realistically hopeful…

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium]

Glenn Broughton Crop Circles, Landscapes and Earth Energies

Dowser and circle researcher Glenn Broughton examines various ways in which crop circles are intimately connected with the landscape in which they appear. Richly illustrated with images and personal experiences, his presentation explores what lies behind the visible world of form, revealing natural energies and etheric patterns. What does this show us about this phenomenon, the Earth and ourselves?

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium]

The Late Paul Vigay – Crop Circle Energy Detection

The late Paul Vigay worked as a computer programmer and Internet consultant and became interested in crop circles in 1989/90 while developing electronic equipment to detect electric current flow. His experiments with energy detection in crop formations led to him becoming actively involved with running the first ever computer database of crop circles (for the Centre for Crop Circle Studies). In this presentation, Paul shares his thoughts and investigations into the crop circle mystery.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers