Dr Christine Page – When Mythology and Magic Meet

Medical doctor, author and metaphysician Dr Christine Page looks at how, as we enter this time of transition, we again seek models of transformation which once worked in the past. Many of these archetypical patterns are woven into mythological stories passed down through the generations. During this talk, we meet characters from these tales and reveal the deep geometric shapes embodied within, freeing their energy to be available for the transformation of individual and global consciousness.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium] http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk/

Glastonbury Symposiums Andy Thomas Delivers a Message to Alternative Thinkers

Renowned author and researcher on truth and mysteries Andy Thomas asks whether some alternative thinkers are succumbing to ‘fluffy bunny’ syndrome – all love and light and no action. With too much reliance on New Age speculation and gazing through rose-tinted glasses, it can be easy to forget that there is a world out there without these perspectives and a dangerous global war of misplaced ideals going on, which is ignored at our peril. It may now be the duty of alternative thinkers to stand up and put their supposedly wider perceptions to REAL use, to help balance extreme polarised world views.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium] http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk/

Crop Circles the First Indisputable Extraterrestrial Signs from Space ?

A step-by-step, clear and compelling adventure in decoding the message from space and explains why this may well be the first indisputable evidence that extraterrestrial intelligence is trying to communicate with the earth’s inhabitants.

Jay Goldner is a graphic designer, author, and researcher into paranormal phenomena. His interest in crop circles began in the late 80s. Translating and editing a book about sacred geometry led him to in-depth studies on the famous Chilbolton ‘face and message’ crop formations. He has created many digital crop circle paintings inspired by his research and was heavily involved with the running of Erich von Daniken’s ‘Mystery Park’ museum in Switzerland. In this presentation, Jay presents his findings and experiences.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium] http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk/

Ancient Crop Circles of Africa – Credo Mutwa

What we call ‘Crop Circles’ is what the Zulu call ‘Izishoze Zamatongo’ and which means the designs or the writings of the Gods. Credo Mutwa says they have known about them for more than 4000 years. In other parts of the world, recent research has also shown that the crop circle phenomenon is not a contemporary enigma but has probably always been with us. The oldest record of a European crop circle dates back to the year 1590 and was found documented in a French witch-trial case. Much older reports of discoveries of flattened circular areas of crops and grass have also been found in European and North American folklore-tales, legends and myths. Mutwa said “I have seen these things hundreds of times before.” The crop circles also tell us about the situation of the Sun. But why – you may ask – is the Earth Mind telling us about the Sun?

Crop circle researcher Andreas Müller
Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium] http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk/

Extraordinary Earth Energy Manifestations Discovered in the Southern Hemisphere

If you are interested in learning more about the energies of the earth and sacred sites, this book will surely fascinate and hold your attention. The late renowned dowser, metal sculptor and author Hamish Miller is famous for co-writing the seminal The Sun and the Serpent, which explores the ‘Michael and Mary’ earth energy lines. Later travels took him to New Zealand, where he worked with Dr Gary Cook on exploring Antipodean earth mysteries. In this talk, Hamish explores the extraordinary energy manifestations found during his work in the Southern Hemisphere – in South Africa, Australia and particularly New Zealand. Hamish explains the discovery that some of the energy patterns have close resemblances to the energies and forms of crop circles.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium] http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk/