Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions: • Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? • Who were the people who built the great pyramids? • Who carved the Great Sphinx? • Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings?
Brien Foerster is an expert in Megalithic Mysteries. Other enigmas such as the phenomenon of elongated human skulls have not been properly examined or explained by conventional archaeology and anthropology. It is the goal and focus of this website to gather together all of those researchers thinking and living “outside of the box” and present the evidence that human history has not been fully understood by academics. Speculation is kept to a minimum, as we unravel our hidden human history with the assistance of engineers, geologists, geneticists and those archaeologists willing to step forward and present the facts that there is far more to who we are than most scholars are willing to admit. . EXCLUSIVE 10% Discount on ALL Esoteric Courses