Is it possible that someone who lived in Egypt over 3000 years ago could suddenly reappear in early 20th century London in a different body? Well, according to Dorothy Eady, otherwise known as Omm Sety, that’s exactly what happened. This woman was respected by Egyptologists around the world for her uncanny insights into ancient Egyptian life. She claimed until the end of her days that this knowledge came from her previous life as an ancient Egyptian priestess.
Tag: Disclosed Truth
Ancient Metal Clamps…Artefacts That Are Still Baffling Historians, Archaeologists and Metalworkers
They are called “keystone” cuts and they have been observed in ancient Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, India and at various places around Europe. They were thought to hold enormous stone blocks in place, although this is disputed. Because these things exist on opposite ends of the world, many believe these ancient cultures must have been in contact or learned it from an early more advanced culture.
Buried Beneath the Peruvian Desert…The 5000 Year Old Pyramid City That Time Forgot
A routine discovery in the Peruvian desert, is now turning out to be truly stunning find of epic proportions. In the course of their investigation archaeologists have now unearthed several large pyramids that were built long before the Egyptian pyramids. Furthermore, this lost ancient city is enormous, spanning many kilometres towards the coast. The question is, who made this pyramid city?
They Said It Didn’t Exist! The Ancient Subterranean World Beneath Mount Bugarach
Shrouded in myth and mystery, mount Bugarach holds a special place in the hearts of paranormal enthusiasts worldwide. Strange lights, flying saucers, weird creatures, and White Lady apparitions and subterranean civilizations are all associated with this mysterious mountain. What exactly is hidden inside the mountain, could it house the long lost ark of the covenant or perhaps an alien spacecraft.
Monte Alban Mystery…This Is The BIGGEST Ancient Anomaly EVER Discovered
We have found compelling evidence that the ancient world was far from primitive. Even stranger than that is the fact that the entire mountain top at Monte Alban was removed with the intention of building a very unusual observatory. How did they remove it with no metal tools? Intriguingly, this stargazing platform points to a star system 3 billion light years away, to a constellation that has been sending signals our way for years.