Phil Hansen(philinthecircle) named official artist for the Grammy Awards

Official Website- Phil youtube- Time Lapse Grammy Video- Grammys-

Illuminati Busted by Child (2012)

My good buddy IndigoKid brought this one to my attention. Disney is a major occult corporation that slams Illuminati/Freemason symbols in practically all of it’s productions. Check this out from their new show GRAVITY FALLS.

Hollywood Built by Witches (Illuminati Mind Control)

Hollywood Magic Revealed (2012)

How Easy it is to Stage Terror or Laughter Batman Colorado Shootings Compared to Leeroy Jenkins WOW

THIS IS A STAGED TERROR & LAUGHTER EVENT! Staged terror! GAH! Listen here humanz! If I see one more fucking news clip, interview, show, discussion, bogus news casters acting like they care, I will fart on a Batman costume. I WILL DO IT – Trumpet Dinopup Don’t pay attention to Batman – The Dark Knight Rises shooting it was a staged terror event in order to inspire more fear, sadness, low vibration and government control. But what do I know I’m a T-rex Dinopup. What more is there to say? Rwwwaarr! Humanz in NYC at Julliard School of the Farty Pants. Spending all your money to get a fancy peace of paper that says you’re an artist does not mean you’re an artist and I eat those people but with love and compliments and dance moves.