Playlist: www.youtube.com 1) thefreemanperspective.blogspot… 2) www.freemantv.com This is a great talk done by Freeman of “The Freeman Perspective”. It is based upon the occultic symbolism in Walt Disney’s paradise playlands for children and Freeman backs it up with alot of great evidence and information. 33rd degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover tried for 4 years to get Freemason, Walt Disney, into the FBI He finally succeeded and felt Disney would do a great job in putting masonic beliefs into the minds of children. Disney’s World finally began to Hoover’s liking. You must note too that all of the rides in Disney World is sponsored by a military industrial corporation Also check out www.urthnet.com

Freeman (FreemanTV) and Jamie on Over n Down Under with NEW Revolution Radio

Rose interviews Freeman and Jamie on Over n Down Under in conjunction with NEW Revolution Radio We discuss everything from Disney, Weird Stuff, death of the mother, cloning, chem warfare, aerial vaccine drops, trauma based mind control, relationships, CERN, MSMMLE1, Type One Road Show to long hair Want more on the subjects touched on – go to this link freemantv.whynotnews.eu Follow Freeman here www.freemantv.com www.friendshipagenda.com www.type1roadshow.com thecontrail.com http Music kindly loaned and produced Open Heart Machine soundcloud.com


freemantv.whynotnews.eu Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole’s baby girl an attempt to raise a “moonchild” through an occult ritual? You decide. [Original Air-Date March 7 2007]

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins 1/3

Alex talks with author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi about the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Corsi is the author of Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, now available at the Infowars Store. In the book, Corsi assembles evidence that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of the presidency and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid providing the American people with something as simple as a long-form birth certificate. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com

Sex Cult – Britney Spears, Madonna & Anna Nicole

freemantv.whynotnews.eu Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole’s baby girl an attempt to raise a “moonchild” through an occult ritual? You decide. [Original Air-Date March 7 2007]