Drones Shot Down Over Texas

www.infowars.com Following columnist Charles Krauthammer’s observation that the first person to shoot down a surveillance drone on US soil will be a “folk hero,” gun enthusiasts in Texas have done precisely that as a protest against the use of spy drones on the American people. Using consumer drones as target practice, Alex Jones and the Steiner brothers tested out the best way to bring down the drones on the 10000 acre Steiner ranch as part of filming for Brothers in Arms, a new show which focuses on firearms and the second amendment. With spy drones now commercially available for less than $1000 dollars that are barely any different from the ones being used by police departments to spy on the public, Jones and the Steiners made short work of the devices during filming. This was an exercise in pushing the message that the use of surveillance drones in US skies must be politically shot down because it represents a complete violation of the 4th amendment right to privacy. Congress recently passed legislation paving the way for what the FAA predicts will be somewhere in the region of 30000 drones in operation in US skies by 2020. Privacy advocates have warned that the FAA has not acted to establish any safeguards whatsoever, and that lawmakers are not holding the agency to account. In addition, A recently uncovered Air Force document circumvents laws and clears the way for the Pentagon to use drones to monitor the activities of Americans. Incidents involving the drones in

ALL I NEED FLOW HOMIE John McCoy skate factory in new bedford ma

john gets a quick line at Skate factory in new bedford mass

Boys II Men – I’ll Make love to you (Piano Cover by @KIRADELARA)

www.reverbnation.com/kiradelara WWW.TWITTER.COM/KIRADELARA I decided to make a video on Boys II Men’s song “I’ll Make Love To You” because this was one of my favorite songs growing up. I love RnB music from the 90’s. Hope you all enjoy it :).

Freeman (FreemanTV) and Jamie on Over n Down Under with NEW Revolution Radio

Rose interviews Freeman and Jamie on Over n Down Under in conjunction with NEW Revolution Radio We discuss everything from Disney, Weird Stuff, death of the mother, cloning, chem warfare, aerial vaccine drops, trauma based mind control, relationships, CERN, MSMMLE1, Type One Road Show to long hair Want more on the subjects touched on – go to this link freemantv.whynotnews.eu Follow Freeman here www.freemantv.com www.friendshipagenda.com www.type1roadshow.com thecontrail.com http Music kindly loaned and produced Open Heart Machine soundcloud.com