Ancient Giants & Cosmic War 6

Ancient Giants & Cosmic War Coast to coast am Date: 04-20-1 Host: George Noory Guests: Joseph P. Farrell, Jerome Corsi, Richard C Hoagland Renowned researcher with a PhD from Oxford University, Joseph P. Farrell presented evidence for a hidden history of mankind that involved tyrannica giants and an elite race bent on genetic mutation. The Greeks, Hopi, Mayans, Iroquois, Aztecs, and the Bible all recorded an ancient war against giants in the dim past. “I was astounded at the parallels between all these very, very divergent cultures,”– there seems to be some kind of worldwide or civil war against the giants for different reasons including their sexual practices and/or cannibalism. This “cosmic war” may have involved something far more destructive than nuclear bombs– torsion or scalar-based weapons that effectively annihilated both sides, he said. Farrell cited ancient cuneiform tablets that suggest some type of genetic manipulation took place in which prototypical Earth females and Annunaki-type males were mixed to form modern humans, to serve as a slave race. This is particularly problematic, as our “cousins” may return one day to claim us as their property, he warned. Such ancient genetic engineering also produced chimerical beings composed of various human and animal components, he continued We’re looking at the activity of one elite group, if not more, “that has been in continual existence more or less since ancient times,” and their behavior is to try and preserve

Obama Said to Pick Krueger as Head of Economic Advisers

Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama plans to name Alan Krueger, a labor economist and former Treasury official, to lead the White House Council of Economic Advisers, according to a White House official. Krueger, who returned to Princeton University last November after serving as the Treasury Department’s chief economist for two years, will replace Austan Goolsbee. Hans Nichols and Michael McKee report on Bloomberg Television’s “InsideTrack.” (Source: Bloomberg)

White House’s Lew on Debt Limit: Political Capital With Al Hunt

April 15 (Bloomberg) — White House Budget Director Jacob Lew talks with Bloomberg’s Julianna Goldman about last week’s budget agreement between members of Congress and the outlook for the vote on raising the debt ceiling. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols and Julie Davis discuss President Obama’s speech on reducing the deficit. Zeb Eckert reports on Japan’s nuclear crisis. Commentators Margaret Carlson and Kate O’Beirne talk about Mitt Romney’s moves toward a presidential bid, and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget plan. (Source: Bloomberg)

Hubbard Calls US Taxes, Spending Key Business Issues

Feb. 7 (Bloomberg) — Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, talks about the outlook for President Barack Obama speech today before the US Chamber of Commerce and recommendations for improving the US business climate. He speaks with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Locke Says Daley Will `Bring Discipline’ to White House

Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) — US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke talks about President Barack Obama’s appointment of William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former commerce secretary, as his new chief of staff. Locke also discusses the possibility that Gene Sperling will be chosen to replace Lawrence Summers as head of the National Economic Council. He talks with Pimm Fox from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Bloomberg Television’s “Taking Stock.” (Source: Bloomberg)