John P. Milton is a meditation and Qigong instructor, author, and a pioneering environmentalist. He is the founder of Sacred Passage and the Way of Nature. He pioneered vision questing in contemporary Western culture in the 1940s. In 1945, at the time he began his sacred solo retreats in the wilderness, vision quests were unknown in the Americas outside Native American culture. He received his MS in ecology and conservation from the University of Michigan in 1963.[1] Milton is also known for organizing and leading dozens of expeditions into some of the wildest areas left on Earth, starting in his late teens. A founding father of the environmental movement in the early 1960s, he was a professor of environmental studies and a Woodrow Wilson Center scholar at the Smithsonian Institution. He was one of the first ecologists on staff at the White House as a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, and was a founding member of the environmental organization Friends of the Earth. He is a frequent lecturer and workshop leader, and a pioneering, renowned, and sought-after meditation and Qi Gong teacher. Thousands of people have sought his instruction since he began teaching in the 1950s. He has developed unique practices for uniting inner and outer nature through training in Buddhist, Taoist, Vedantic, Tantric, and Native American spiritual traditions, and he incorporates T’ai chi and yoga in his work. The book Discovering Beautiful: On The Road To Somewhere includes …
Tag: economics
Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:Obama’s Puppet Masters Have Been Busy
Alex talks with libertarian political commentator, activist, proponent of the Austrian School of economics, and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell.
Freeman-Free Your Mind Conference 2011
Freeman, host of Freeman TV, has been witness to phenomenon that some men only dream of. His natural curiosity necessitated voracious studies of high weirdness which have led him to discover the hidden code behind corporate logos, the secret of ancient astronauts, while finding time to investigate HAARP and chemtrails. Conspirologists take note: Freeman starts where Alex Jones leaves off. In the spirit of David Icke and James Redfield, Freeman illustrates a world that is both cosmic and miraculous. He presents hope displayed in the creative spirit of humanity. Freeman is an internationally-known award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, government conspiracy, and ancient civilizations. Freeman graduated with an Associates of Arts with honors in Interdisciplinary Studies and attended Kansas University, specializing in ancient and environmental architecture. Freeman has lectured extensively on Templar history, secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, and government cover-ups. Freeman publicly announced his fears that a false flag event would occur on 9/11, that “W” would be forced into office, the economy would collapse on 10/13 and that the next President of America would have his natural born status questioned. Freeman has appeared in the studio with Alex Jones and has been guest on many …