Geheimkammern in Gizeh: Gibt es eine Verschwörung um die Cheops-Pyramide und deren Schächte?

Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt – der Channel des Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Phänomene-Jägers Lars A. Fischinger. Was verbirgt sich – wenn! – hinter den beiden Schächten der Kammer der Königin in der Cheops-Pyramide? Was fand 1993 der Roboter UPUAUT dort? Erste Hinweise auf eine “Geheimkammer” oder schlicht nichts Besonders?! Verschweigen uns die Archäologen in Gizeh etwas?! Links:


What if we were not alone? What if the hundreds of thousands of people claiming to have seen unidentified flying objects, in fact had been witnesses to extra terrestrial spacecraft? What if the thousands of people all over the world who tell about their encounters with alien beings through friendly contact or even forced abductions, were actually telling the truth? What if our governments had known about an ET-presence for more than half a century, if they were in possession of alien technology that had the potential of changing how our world is run, and they chose to keep the public in the dark through a campaign of informational suppression? What if that campaign acted as a chain around the ankles of humanity, keeping us from rising to a whole new level of consciousness and understanding of our selves, our planet and the universe around us? And what if that campaign ended tomorrow? The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the


What if we were not alone? What if the hundreds of thousands of people claiming to have seen unidentified flying objects, in fact had been witnesses to extra terrestrial spacecraft? What if the thousands of people all over the world who tell about their encounters with alien beings through friendly contact or even forced abductions, were actually telling the truth? What if our governments had known about an ET-presence for more than half a century, if they were in possession of alien technology that had the potential of changing how our world is run, and they chose to keep the public in the dark through a campaign of informational suppression? What if that campaign acted as a chain around the ankles of humanity, keeping us from rising to a whole new level of consciousness and understanding of our selves, our planet and the universe around us? And what if that campaign ended tomorrow? The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the


“All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream”: the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke. (music: Rachid Taha “Barra Barra”) Original Uploader:- Subscribe:- (Awaken To Your Multidimensional SELF) http Any help is Truly Appreciated! BE LOVE ((((O)))) Come Join!! SHINE & RIPPLE The Wave of Love!!

The Day Before Disclosure Pt 2

What if we were not alone? What if the hundreds of thousands of people claiming to have seen unidentified flying objects, in fact had been witnesses to extra terrestrial spacecraft? What if the thousands of people all over the world who tell about their encounters with alien beings through friendly contact or even forced abductions, were actually telling the truth? What if our governments had known about an ET-presence for more than half a century, if they were in possession of alien technology that had the potential of changing how our world is run, and they chose to keep the public in the dark through a campaign of informational suppression? What if that campaign acted as a chain around the ankles of humanity, keeping us from rising to a whole new level of consciousness and understanding of our selves, our planet and the universe around us? And what if that campaign ended tomorrow? The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the