NASA Secrets Revealed – Donna Hare (Disclosure Project Witness)

Donna Hare: Former NASA Employee, November 2000 Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this they were threatened. GOVERNMENT INSIDERS/ NASA/ DEEP INSIDERS

Extraordinary Year – Feb. 15, 2012.mp4

Extraordinary Year airs LIVE 10:30pm CST Wednesdays. This episode: The saga of former Navy Seal Bill Brockbrader continues! We will discuss his more spiritual conversation with Aussie guru Lisa M Harrison. Also, what’s in a name? A look at a secret message in the Einstein appellative. Plus, John Lear reports back that he is indeed NOT on a space ship. And, did Francis Crick – who won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” the structure of DNA – really believe the DNA molecule was seeded by extraterrestrials? These and more, plus your questions and comments on air! …………………………………………………… Links: Bill Wood interview with Lisa Harrison: John Lear contradicts account: Scientists confirm extraterrestrial origins for human DNA Thrive Movie Adventure Time