Hunt on Obama’s Europe Trip, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty

May 24 (Bloomberg) — Al Hunt, executive editor at Bloomberg News, talks about President Barack Obama’s trip to Europe this week. Hunt, speaking on Bloomberg Television’s “InBusiness With Margaret Brennan,” also discusses Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels’ announcement that he won’t seek Republican presidential nomination and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s entry in to the 2012 race. (Source: Bloomberg

Hunt on US Debt Talks, Plouffe’s Unemployment Remarks: Video

July 7 (Bloomberg) — Al Hunt, executive editor at Bloomberg News, discusses President Barack Obama’s meeting today with Republican and Democratic lawmakers to seek long-term solutions to US deficit spending. Hunt, speaking on Bloomberg Television’s “InBusiness with Margaret Brennan,” also talks about White House senior adviser David Plouffe’s comments yesterday on the significance of the unemployment rate in the 2012 election. (Source: Bloomberg)

White House’s Lew on Debt Limit: Political Capital With Al Hunt

April 15 (Bloomberg) — White House Budget Director Jacob Lew talks with Bloomberg’s Julianna Goldman about last week’s budget agreement between members of Congress and the outlook for the vote on raising the debt ceiling. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols and Julie Davis discuss President Obama’s speech on reducing the deficit. Zeb Eckert reports on Japan’s nuclear crisis. Commentators Margaret Carlson and Kate O’Beirne talk about Mitt Romney’s moves toward a presidential bid, and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget plan. (Source: Bloomberg)

Rand Paul: Fight The Nanny State

Rand Paul speaks at The Tea Party Express rally at the Capitol in Austin, Texas, on Sunday May 6, 2012.