The Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem .mp4

if you want to see the full movie click in this link Discover the history of the celestial object that reportedly heralded the birth of Jesus, and explore the various points of view that label the star variously as a myth, a natural phenomenon, and a true miracle. Sinopsys Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? From producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) and distributed by Genius Entertainment comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation, as seen by tens of thousands in the US and in Europe, explores the exciting truth of scripture and reveals the evidence for God’s existence as seen in the stars above. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity. Discover the secret of the star-a secret of magnificent beauty. This documentary is fascinating and meticulously researched. Frederick A. Larson, a lawyer, became interested in the history of the star of Bethlehem, and did extensive examining of the facts. He relied on biblical texts, Jewish historians such as Josephus, and astronomers and constellation experts such as Johames Kepler and Copernicus. Using astronomy software, he went back in time to the period in which the Eastern Star

Chemtrails All Over the World and the Media and Science Blackout

Chemtrails All Over the World and the Media and Science Blackout

Earth Changes & Space Revelations 02-02-2010 Mitch Battros Richard C.Hoagland Coast to Coast AM pt 3

Earth Changes & Space Revelations 02-02-2010 Mitch Battros Richard C.Hoagland Coast to Coast AM pt 3 During the first half of the show, researcher Mitch Battros discussed the current state of Earth & space changes. New scientific discoveries are “verifying what our ancestors told us millennia ago,” he noted. For instance, the Hubble just found a whole new area of massive stars in our galactic core, amid reports that shifts are going on in the Milky Way, he said, connecting this data to Mayan prophecy relating to the galactic center. Battros talked about Solar Cycle 24, and the dangers of X-class flares which could bring down power grids, as well as cause cracks in the magnetic field that allow damaging charged particles to filter through. He also offered analysis of recent quake swarms at Yellowstone, and suggested a possible connection between earthquake activity and volcanoes. We’re in a period of escalating earth changes, yet these changes are helping people return to a sense of community, he commented. ————————————— In the latter half of the show, C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland reacted to Obama’s budget plan that would scrap nasa’s return to the moon, and connected this decision to the Norway Spiral. The ending of the space program as we know it is a “stunning development,” and was possibly brought about by the “secret space program” who presented the Norway Spiral as a kind of “blackmail” message to Russia and the United States, he

Kathleen Keating: Bible Code – June 25th 2002 Pt3

Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who had ears to hear and eyes to see….the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. ______ BEATIFIC VISION “My child, none can view the great vision, the beatific vision; none can view this, for it would be that you would be removed from your earthly body. This awaits mankind only over the veil. We send to you only what your human mind can comprehend. Were We to show you, My child, what lies beyond the veil, the beauty, the full encompassment of your emotions would still your earthly heart. This We cannot give to you until you come across the veil.” – Our Lady, April 13, 1974 _________________ “But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9

Dave vonkleist Uncensored 2010

Dave vonkleist Dave vonkleist has spent 30 years in the broadcast industry as a professional TV/radio announcer and as a professional vocalist for commercials and independent recording projects. He was staff announcer at WTNH-ch8, New Haven, Connecticut (ABC affiliate) 1990-1995, and at WFSB-ch3, Hartford, Connecticut (CBS affiliate) 1995-1996. He also hosted the Dave Riddell show, a three-hour afternoon drive time talk show at WATR AM-1320, Waterbury, Connecticut. Dave is an accomplished musician, vocalist, songwriter and performer. His albums, Will Someone Listen and Music to Die For, contain significant songs dedicated to the issues of the day, such as: Where are the Voices that Care? – the national Gulf War veterans song, The Ballad of Michael New, which was dedicated to the Michael New Defense Fund, and OK Can You See?, which questions the official story of the Oklahoma City attack. He is the producer of the documentaries 911 In Plane Site and 911 Ripple Effect, both compilations of network footage that created worldwide controversy and helped kick off an international investigation into the 2001 World Trade Center attacks. Dave’s other accomplishments include writing, directing and editing the comedy television show Spotlight Tonight; voted “Best Show” and “Best Directed” show at the 1984 Laurel Cable Awards, and syndicated to 110 stations nationwide. For ten years, Dave was co-host of the popular talk show The Power Hour. His unique brand of broadcasting mixes