find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


This is a quote from Albert Einstein’s book, “Out of My Later Years.” I think it sums up my own outlook on humanity. Here’s the text of the entire quote: A human being is part of a whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few …


find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


can see. What is the dark matter that makes up the rest of the universe? How can we find out? Though we understand many important properties of the fundamental building blocks of our universe, there are untold mysteries still to solve. Advances in technology allow physicists to build more powerful and sophisticated instruments to look deeper and deeper inside matter. Like adventurers entering unknown territory, physicists forge ahead into ever smaller dimensions. What will be their …