All Vamp Twilight Story Ep.8.wmv

Bella’s Pov. I thought ‘If you say Edward your dead’. Ali:Edward Cullen. She said slowly. Me:Now you are so dead. Ali:Bella sis we all know that you like him. Ed,Em,Jaz&Rose:We do now. Me:And they all know that you like Jaz now. Ali:Bella sis you know it is true. You have been sad and alone for too long. Me:Its not like you haven’t had a boyfriend recently either. Ali:Sis that is different and you know it. You have never had one. Me:I know sis i really do. Ali:Sis i just want you to be happy. I had a vision of Ed and I in a secret meadow’ I showed Ali. Me:I have had that vision three times today and each time it gets clearer. Ali:See i told you. Me:Oh but you will love this one when it comes true. I thought of the vision that i had of Ali and Jaz kissing. I giggled. Ali:I know i will love it. Ali and i both laugh. Ali:So what have you four got next? Me:Rose has beauty, big boy Em has football, Jazy has art like you Ali and little Eddie has music just like me. Ali:They can speak for themselves sis. I laugh. Me:Oh i know. Rose:And what is up with the names? Me:I dunno i was bored. Ali:Obviously. Em:Ed and Bella have a lot in common. Ed&I:Why? Em:Because you do. Rose:What instrument do you play Bells? Me:Not saying? Ali:She plays the guitar and sings. What about you Edward? Ed doesn’t say anything. Jaz:They are both just as stubborn as eachother. Em:Ed plays the piano and guitar and he also sings. Rose:The perfect pair. Ed&I:Oh please SHUT UP. Ali,Jaz,Em and Rose all laugh