Chris Matthews gets his ass handed to him by Ari Fleischer

gentlemen are not even in the same league. Chris would be better served if he just stuck to interviewing the gutless rebublicans. … hardball chris matthews ari fleischer msnbc bush barack obama patriots conservative conservatism values morals ethics principles unite or die america united states freedom liberty happiness constitution rights reagan politics Millhome God religion minutemen nation defense bill of justice for all accountability president candidate white house oval office …

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens GUILTY on ALL COUNTS …McCain Palin Republican Ramifications Clear Sarah Palin’s friend and political pal Ted Stevens has been found guilty on ALL counts by the Grand Jury in Alaska – Breaking News… Press conference of the news released, now the Presidential election is more important than ever, to root out the corruption that exists in Alaska – and no doubt clings to the coattails of one Governor Sarah Palin as she tries to march her big oil interests into the White House. John McCain’s campaign continues to slide downhill and his running mate …