Military RV Psychic Training Course – FEATURE

Remote Viewing is similar to clairvoyance or ESP, and is a scientifically proven natural ability everyone possesses. Discover how to develop and use your own psychic Remote Viewing skills using scientifically proven methods. The proof is in the results. In the field of parapsychology, remote viewing is a military term for extrasensory perception. Remote Viewing is the art of projecting the mind across time and space and allows a “viewer” to use his or her intuitive abilities to gather information on a target consisting of an object, place, or person which is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer in space and time. The Operation Mindazzle Remote Viewing course by Major Ed Dames and FM Bonsall, was developed utilizing the latest protocols and methods to provide the most effective and comprehensive psychic training program in the world. Includes two hours of spellbinding instruction from the best-known Remote Viewing authorities in the world today. COMMERCIAL FREE ON DVD: NOW ON DVD WORLDWIDE – Operation Mindazzle – Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course – 120 mins. Cat. #U658. Go to Also available are the Mindazzle Operations Manual and Task Sheets shown in the presentation which can be downloaded in PDF form at our web site http Also available COMMERCIAL FREE as a Youtube Video Rental in the USA only. LEARN to see across great distance, beyond the limits of time and space. UNDERSTAND basic Remote


In this set of videos we will be thrust into the World of the Extraterrestrial Political motivations for Earth and also their involvement with all of humanity in the history of our beautiful Planet Earth. This is an interview between the greatly intellectual Mr. Freeman Fly of “The Freeman Perspective”. Dr. Michael Salla is one of the heroic people who started the idea and also the college/school for “Exopolitics”. The interview includes information on the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth. He is actually the head of the entire Exopolitics Institute. Thius interview was done on the date of March 15th, 2007. It is a defintie must watch for anyone out thewre who follows Mr. Freeman Fly’s incredible work or if you are fans of the Extraterrestrial phenomenom which is in all truth very real. Please visit and support the following websites for providing the World with this incredible information and knowledge; 1) 2)


In this set of videos we will be thrust into the World of the Extraterrestrial Political motivations for Earth and also their involvement with all of humanity in the history of our beautiful Planet Earth. This is an interview between the greatly intellectual Mr. Freeman Fly of “The Freeman Perspective”. Dr. Michael Salla is one of the heroic people who started the idea and also the college/school for “Exopolitics”. The interview includes information on the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth. He is actually the head of the entire Exopolitics Institute. Thius interview was done on the date of March 15th, 2007. It is a defintie must watch for anyone out thewre who follows Mr. Freeman Fly’s incredible work or if you are fans of the Extraterrestrial phenomenom which is in all truth very real. Please visit and support the following websites for providing the World with this incredible information and knowledge; 1) 2)


In this set of videos we will be thrust into the World of the Extraterrestrial Political motivations for Earth and also their involvement with all of humanity in the history of our beautiful Planet Earth. This is an interview between the greatly intellectual Mr. Freeman Fly of “The Freeman Perspective”. Dr. Michael Salla is one of the heroic people who started the idea and also the college/school for “Exopolitics”. The interview includes information on the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth. He is actually the head of the entire Exopolitics Institute. Thius interview was done on the date of March 15th, 2007. It is a defintie must watch for anyone out thewre who follows Mr. Freeman Fly’s incredible work or if you are fans of the Extraterrestrial phenomenom which is in all truth very real. Please visit and support the following websites for providing the World with this incredible information and knowledge; 1) 2)