NASA / ESA coverup. Evidence of cities on Mars. What ESA and NASA are hiding from you.
Tag: extraterrestrials
NASA Ringmakers of Saturn UFOs
Norman Bergrun’s “The Ringmakers of Saturn” is the inspiration for this video of the mysterious rings of Saturn. The big 3 amigo’s on ATS (mikesingh, zorgon, and internos) have each added enormous effort of personal research on this subject, by gathering up to date Cassini satellite imagery that is showing some very interesting anomalies on and around the ringed planet. See this thread for the amazing analysis from these cosmic experts: Also you can download and view all the images used in this video and more here: or
How to reveal the CITIES ON MARS-2 — THE TRUTH
In this movie I will explain how you can reveal the cities and structures on Mars. There are many cities on Mars and I promise you that they are REAL !! With a simple color modification method you can reveal what is really vissible on the ESA images of Mars. Take a look and see for yourself. I get many questions and remarks about this being the result of jpeg compression artifacts. When zoomed in on a detail in a jpeg image it is known that you will see rectangular shapes caused by the compression algorithms. These image compression distortions are only visible when : 1 JPEG files are used (or a similar compression type) 2 Very low resolution jpeg images are used 3 Highly zoomed in on a jpeg image detail. The images that are shown here are: 1 High resolution TIFF images. They are not compressed like JPEG images. 2 Not zoomed in at all. Structures are appearing without the need of zooming in on certain areas in the images. ps. And ..No will not see the same results when you apply this technique on any images of earth.
Coast To Coast AM – John Fogerty & Open Lines – C2CAM
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LATEST UPDATED VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out Date: 10-09-09 Host: George Noory Guests: John Fogerty, Open Lines During Open Lines, George offered a “life changing moments” special topic line. Julie in El Paso, Texas phoned in to share how the late radio DJ Steve Crosno changed her life. Julie told George she called into Crosno’s radio show back in 1963, hoping to win a contest, and was put on hold. While waiting for someone to return to the line, Julie said she began singing along with “Popsicles and Icicles” by The Murmaids. As it turns out, someone had been listening to Julie sing and Crosno asked her to perform on his local television program–which she did off and on for the next 13 years. Julie also sang a bit of “Angel Baby” (by Rosie & The Originals) live for the Coast audience. Geno in St. Louis commented on Friday’s announcement that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. He suggested the President may have been awarded the prize for making a secret peace treaty with humanoid alien races. Geno further conjectured that advanced alien technology may have been shared with the Administration, which they in turn will share with the American people through a government health care program. Ryan in Pensacola, Florida told George about strange green orbs that he witnessed floating above the ground at an outpost several miles from his base in Iraq …
ET & UFO Disclosure Is Approaching Critical Mass
ET & UFO Disclosure Is Approaching Critical Mass … let me tell you what I see … Lets move past the ridicule, hate & fear when talking about ETs/UFOs … believe in yourSelf and inJOY the transformation from Human Being to Galatic Being. References, Sources & Of Interest: CNN Richard Hoagland Sgt. Clifford Stone, Army UFO Consultant, Ret. & Robert Dean, NATO Intelligence Analyst, Ret. Steven Greer Phoenix Lights