Architects of Deception – A History of Freemasonry [Lightbringers]

More info on Freemasonry below:

The Immaginary Sea Level Rise Of Climate Change Snake Oil

From Alan’s July 19 and 21, 2011 broadcasts. Listen to Alan’s talks and donate to him at The featured articles are


Alan Watt – Socialism is not for the working class

Alan Watt – In The 1970s Songwriters Were Told To Start Writing Gender Neutral Songs, And They Did

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL ALAN WATT VIDEO OR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. This is a clip from Alan Watt’s RBN show from May 20, 2009. “It’s almost impossible for youngsters to believe that everything around them, including the way they’re taught to dress and so on, what’s the latest thing in fashion, is designed on purpose by very old people working with those in the music industry etc. Plato talked about it. He [said that] the musicians should be licensed because of the effect they could have on the …