Top 10 Really Strange Laws You Might Accidentally Break In 2019

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In this video, we will go over the top 10 really strange laws you might accidentally break!

Laws are made to keep our community safe, but sometimes they can get a little out of hand or even weird.

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Guava, Juice. WORLD’S LONGEST BUBBLE GUM TAPE!. YouTube, August 18, 2018,

#weirdlaws #top10 #topten

Top 40 Amazing Facts About The Human Body

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In this video, we will go over the top 10 amazing facts about the human body

The human body is a whole new world of mysteries. We still don’t know everything about our very own body.
There are cool discoveries, but then there are things that are quite disturbing.

We have put together 40 facts about the human body that you may or may not know.

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JRome, Palk. Human Heartbeat Sound Effect (60 bpm). YouTube, April 09, 2014,

#Top10 #Humanbody #Truefacts

Top 10 Largest Private Armies In The World of 2019

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In this video, we will go over the top 10 largest private armies in the world

10. G4S

9. Prosegur

8. Unity Resources Group

7. Erinys

6. Asia Security Group

5. DynCorp

4. Triple Canopy

3. Aegis Defense Services

2. Defion Internacional

1. Academi

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See you guys soon!

CDTV. ATM como serviço é aposta para ampliar serviços bancários. convergenciadigital. YouTube, Jun 14, 2013,

Top 8 quality of life comparison between Russia And America 2019

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In this video, we will go over the top 8 quality of life comparison between Russia And America.

8. Happiness

7. If you want to save up

6. If you’re a woman

5. If you like vacations

4. If you get sick

3. If you want to have a baby

2. If are homosexual

1. If you want to feel safe

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#top10vidoes #comparisonvideo #RussiaVsAmerica

Top 10 Government Conspiracy Theories Revealed to Be True

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In this video, we will go over, Top 10 government conspiracy theories revealed to be true!

10. Gaydar Machine

9. Bad Drink

8. The CIA tested LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs on Americans

7. The CIA spied on and controlled, the American media

6. President Woodrow Wilson’s wife ran the country after he suffered an illness

5. A U.S. Air Force laboratory researched the possibility of using pheromones as a weapon

4. Big Tobacco knew that cigarettes caused cancer

3. The Gulf of Tonkin incident

2. The U.S. government stole bodies for radioactive testing

1. The CIA developed a heart attack machine

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#top10video #conspiracytheory #firsttop10