A clip from the HBO Comedy Special, “George Carlin: It’s Bad For Ya”. For more on HBO Comedy, log on to HBO.com.
Tag: for
George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps (Douchebag)
After Fred Phelps boasted “George Carlin is in Hell” shortly after his death, George Carlin rose from the grave to beat him down. Keith Olbermann and Jerry Seinfeld gave him a hand, but George brings down Phelps’ bullshit with his usual flawless logic.
George Carlin – Children
George Carlin: Its Bad For Ya – Children
George Carlin Over parenting
George Carlin 70 years old but still as quick witted as ever. I found this particular talk about over parenting very true and something that all parents should watch and give thought to – as a parent myself I have seen this at the soccer field and in the attitudes of the teachers at my children’s schools. It’s sickening, what’s worse is that they’re are not creating good children who will grow to be psychologically healthy adults they create pint-sized emperors with egos the size of …
Alex Jones arrested for refusing to thumbscan
From Alex Jones’ very first film ‘America: Destroyed by Design’. Alex is arrested for refusing to scan his thumb to renew his driver’s license. www.uninformed.co.uk www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv www.jonesreport.com