from the programing.Take the other red pill and take a step back,LOOK at the BIG picture. As it has been for thousands of years we Truthers are being guided once again. Research the claims in this video. … jordan maxwell michael tsarion micheal new world order Disinformation Agents EXPOSED for all the sheep to follow alex jones david icke alan watt ect zeitgeist listen of Bill Coopers broadcasts and you will understand truth 911 inside job obama osama binladin aladin disney lala land deceptive …

EXPOSED! NEW WORLD ORDER Disinformation Agents

revolution against us”? Think about it! What happens to someone when they try to expose the Truth? WAKE UP What is the common denominator with all these guys that are still out there? Please comment,good or bad. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Dont feel bad,I fell for it too. … new world order Disinformation Agents EXPOSED for all the sheep to follow alex jones david icke michael tsarion jordan maxwell alan watt ect zeitgeist listen of Bill Coopers broadcasts and you will understand truth 911 inside …

For The Haters

This is for all the people on the Internet hating on our new President Barack H. Obama. … President Barack Obama White House Presidential Election America To All The Haters This Is For You Jeffersons Theme Song Proud African American People Happy Smile Eracism Colin Powell Martin Luther King Fredrick Douglas Doctor Daniel Hale Williams Benjamin Banneker Harriet Tubman Mary Mcloud Bethune George Washington Carver David Duke Banner Tupac Shakur Diddy Blog Airfro Braids Chicken Basketball BBQ …

Dr. Simeon Hein on TruthBrigade Radio Part 8

To find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …

Dr. Simeon Hein on TruthBrigade Radio Part 10

To find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …