The Al-Qaeda Deception

Today on this live Sunday edition, guest hosts and Infowars crew members Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew take on the open hypocrisy of Western forces admittedly allying with, aiding, arming and otherwise cheering on al Qaeda in the attempt to topple Assad’s regime in Syria, while destabilizing Iran and other opponents in the region. Then, Alex Jones joins by phone with breaking news about attempts to bring martial law to Texas, and further merge military and police in violation of Posse Comitatus, this time against the supposed threat of IEDs and roadside bombs in the homeland. It’s all part of the Orwellian attempt to flip the script on terrorism and occupy America, demonizing its patriots as domestic terrorists and hardening the total takeover. [Support the infowar and spread the news]

Callers React to Tyrannical Gun Grabbing Bill

On the Sunday, July 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the international and domestic gun-grabber agenda in the wake of the United Nations failure for now to reach a consensus on the Small Arms Treaty on Friday. Alex talks about how the global elite and the anti-gun fanatics in Congress and the White House are now playing possum and plan to reintroduce the treaty and impose it and a raft of other anti-gun legislation on law-abiding Americans who exercise their Second Amendment right. Alex also covers the latest news and takes listener calls on today’s broadcast. [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]]


This is an amazing video series that goes into why and where fema camps are being built, this is no joke anymore, this is no conspiracy anymore, this is real life. spread these videos and any videos in my database you can! thank you all! pt.6


This is an amazing video series that goes into why and where fema camps are being built, this is no joke anymore, this is no conspiracy anymore, this is real life. spread these videos and any videos in my database you can! thank you all! pt.5

Will Obama Exploit Sikh Temple Massacre to Push Gun Confiscation?

Today on this live Sunday edition, guest hosts and Infowars crew members Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew take on the open hypocrisy of Western forces admittedly allying with, aiding, arming and otherwise cheering on al Qaeda in the attempt to topple Assad’s regime in Syria, while destabilizing Iran and other opponents in the region. Then, Alex Jones joins by phone with breaking news about attempts to bring martial law to Texas, and further merge military and police in violation of Posse Comitatus, this time against the supposed threat of IEDs and roadside bombs in the homeland. It’s all part of the Orwellian attempt to flip the script on terrorism and occupy America, demonizing its patriots as domestic terrorists and hardening the total takeover. [Support the infowar and spread the news]