CH. V – Healing in 5D

There’s a doctor in South America I know of through some family members who are acquainted and have had consultations with him. His name is Dr. Wilson Araya and he is a perfect example of using a 5D consciousness for healing. He can help from miles and miles away he doesn’t even need to see you just to know your name. One story involves an aunt, who called Dr. Araya from the US after learning she had a cancerous tumor in her breast, he was able to save her much time and energy though it was apparently already too late to treat her cancer at the stage it was in. She needed to have dealt with her deep-seated guilt years ago… What he was able to do, at that point, was see that there were actually 2 malignant spots in her breast—not just the one that physicians in the states were able to see with their X-ray exams. He warned her that the prognosis given to her would not do the trick–as they missed this other danger–and to make sure to get further scans of higher resolution and get a better prognosis. Sure enough, the American doctors were bewildered when they heard this story and astonished when they confirmed with further scans that it was true. The way he does his work is weird to some but if you have been paying attention to this series you should be able to understand: for what he does, when someone asks him what is the matter with them, is to simply go into himself and ask himself “what is the matter with me?” By looking at himself at this level he can pinpoint the

David Icke – Melbourne 2009 part 45-46 human race get of your knees

David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009. This event is the perfect time to introduce new truth seekers to a fresh new perspective to what is going on in and around us, for you to dissect and research. Some of the topics discussed include: – Who is really running the Nations of the world today? – Are we heading towards a completely controlled and monitored big brother state here in Australia? – Problem Reaction Solution mentality and how we can break free from their lies. – Why is looking inside ourselves for the answers the most important journey we can face? – What can we do to enlighten others of what is really happening in the world around us? – and so much more!” GROUNDCREWS.EU Who are we? We the Ground Crew are a not-for-profit and independent truth seekers who are made up of concerned citizens who give their time freely to formulate a medium for those who seek and speak the truth to converse. The Ground Crew is a voice in Europe for whistleblowers to get the truth out to the public about government and institutional suppression on past and current events and future trends. We strongly believe it’s important that people get informed as soon as possible about the current situation, and thereby the conference objective is to focus on and discuss •important new information – on what is happening geopolitically on many fronts from the economic crises by design, technology suppression, geographic earth change, health and safety issues

David Icke – Melbourne 2009 part 20-46 human race get of your knees

David Icke – Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! Act Three, Part 4

David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009. Playlist: From: “At Truth Movement Australia we value people who are willing to stand up and share their point of views, no matter how left field they may seem to the average citizen. One man who is known for this is David Icke, a man whos journey has been closely watched by the conspiracy circles for quite some time. Having spoken to David for hours on end just recently, I find him to be one of the most genuine, down to earth people you could ever come across, so a full day with this man will be truly a treat. If you want to make sure this event is legitimate – then please visit David Ickes official website and scroll down the page to find our poster. Asking David a question on anything he is passionate about and you could find yourself in absolute awe of the knowledge this man possesses due to his research and travels that have taken him around the globe and back in search for one thing the Truth. Thats why I am proud to presents David Icke for one day only at the Melbourne Convention Centre – 11th of April 2009. This event is the perfect time to introduce new truth seekers to a fresh new perspective to what is going on in and around us, for you to dissect and research. Some of the topics discussed include: – Who is really running the Nations of the world today? – Are we heading towards a completely controlled and monitored big brother state here in Australia? – Problem Reaction Solution mentality and how we can break free from their lies. – Why is looking inside ourselves for the answers the most important journey we can face? – What can we do to enlighten others of what is really happening in the world around us? – and so much more!” PLEASE SPREAD THIS CLIPS LIKE FIRE. WE NEED TO GET THE INFOS OUTTA THERE. THX

David Icke…..a few wise words.

Just a small clip from David Ickes recent talk in Australia. Theres plenty more where that came from 🙂 Click playlist link below for full talk (courtesy of Videodactyl) David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009. Playlist: From:… “At Truth Movement Australia we value people who are willing to stand up and share their point of views, no matter how left field they may seem to the average citizen. One man who is known for this is David Icke, a man whos journey has been closely watched by the conspiracy circles for quite some time. Having spoken to David for hours on end just recently, I find him to be one of the most genuine, down to earth people you could ever come across, so a full day with this man will be truly a treat. If you want to make sure this event is legitimate – then please visit David Ickes official website and scroll down the page to find our poster. http Asking David a question on anything he is passionate about and you could find yourself in absolute awe of the knowledge this man possesses due to his research and travels that have taken him around the globe and back in search for one thing the Truth. Thats why I am proud to presents David Icke for one day only at the Melbourne Convention Centre – 11th of April 2009. This event is the perfect time to introduce new truth seekers to a fresh new perspective to what is going on in and around us, for you to dissect and research. Some of the topics discussed include: – Who is really running the Nations of the world today? – Are we heading towards a completely controlled and monitored big brother state here in Australia? – Problem Reaction Solution mentality and how we can break free from their lies. – Why is looking inside ourselves for the answers the most important journey we can face? – What can we do to enlighten others of what is really happening in the world around us? – and so much more!”