Mayans Prophecy about the end of the world , Watch the video , is very interesting . Music : Mystical Dream . (( Please do not copy the video ! ))
Tag: Ghosts
Nitwits of West Virginia
1:33 Former, as in… “get the HELL out of here, you drunk”. 1:50 “windas” must be lit “from the inside” or they wouldn’t be SEEN, now would they? Priceless!
Main Show Only – Da Vinci Code Roundtable
Scholars of ancient manuscripts and legends, Laurence Gardner, William Henry, and Glenn Kimball shared their reactions to the ideas presented in The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown’s popular book which was recently turned into a movie.Gardner commented that in Brown’s novel there is a murkiness blending fact and fiction, and that he is definitely wrong in stating some items as factual in his introduction–such as details about the Priory of Sion. The three guests concurred with the theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. This is not what has been traditionally taught, so the revelation upsets the church hierarchy, said Gardner. Yet Kimball commented that every nun considers herself to be a “bride of Jesus.” As evidence for the marriage, Gardner cited the New Testament’s description of Mary Magdalene’s anointing of Jesus’ feet with oil. This was a long-standing wedding ritual, he said. Kimball believes Jesus and Mary had several children, including a daughter named Sarah (though this name was really a title that meant princess, rather than her actual first name). Henry praised Dan Brown’s work for posing valuable questions and bringing Gnostic thought to the masses. He suggested that the bloodline of Mary and Jesus may have faced persecution because they held a higher type of consciousness that threatened the church’s authority. The church sought to quash the secret knowledge of transforming an ordinary human into a being of light, explained Henry. WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT …
Turmoil In The Toybox Comedy Gold Part 5 of 5
Retards Discuss how Hunks of Plastic will be the end of the world … Demons Ra Sun Cult Osiris Cobra Pyramid All Seeing Eye Barack Obama Witchcraft Occult Esoteric Devil Satan Lucifer Mind Control Illuminati Brainwash Subliminal Freemasonry New World Order NWO David Icke Reptilian Bloodline Possesion Toys He-Man Scooby Doo Ghosts 13 CBS Alex Jones Michael Tsarion Alan Watt Jan Van Helsing 9/11 Wizards Lizards Skull Bones Secret Society Fema Jesus Christ MTV …
Turmoil In The Toybox Comedy Gold Part 3 of 5
Retards Discuss The Evil of Plastic … Demons Ra Sun Cult Osiris Cobra Pyramid All Seeing Eye Barack Obama Witchcraft Occult Esoteric Devil Satan Lucifer Mind Control Illuminati Brainwash Subliminal Freemasonry New World Order NWO David Icke Reptilian Bloodline Possesion Toys He-Man Scooby Doo Ghosts 13 CBS Alex Jones Michael Tsarion Alan Watt Jan Van Helsing 9/11 Wizards Lizards Skull Bones Secret Society Fema Jesus Christ MTV