5/5 LIGHTGATE #145 EMERGECY UPDATE Mega Earth Changes, Israel and other bad news OCT 15

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com Appears the 14.0 EQ has been removed. ? RSOE DISASTER SITE hisz.rsoe.hu Missile base in Iran attacked and destroyed DEBKA REPORT: Blasts hit secret Iranian missile launching-pad for US, Israeli targets DEBKAfile Special Report October 15, 2010, 1:12 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Imam Ali Base Iran Shehab-3 Aerial view of Imam Ali base with tunnel opening A top-secret Iranian military installation was struck by a triple blast Tues. Oct. 12 the day before Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad landed in Lebanon. DEBKAfile’s sources report the site held most of the Shehab-3 medium-range missile launchers stocked for striking US forces in Iraq and Israel – some set to deliver triple warheads (tri-conic nosecones). The underground bunkers housing the launchers at the Revolutionary Guards Imam Ali mountain base in Lorestan were built to defy sabotage.

Warmists Admit To Faking Temperature Records — New Zealand

NiWAGate, the latest development in the series of scandals exposing the massive anti-scientific, criminal fraud that is the mythos of “man-made climate change”. www.scoop.co.nz www.c3headlines.com From Alan Watt’s January 3, 2011 broadcast. Listen to Alan’s shows and donate to him at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com Alan Watt Cutting Through Matrix Climategate NiWA NiWAGate New Zealand climate center agency admits fudging data to fake global warming bogus science fake fraud anti scientific conmen phil jones keith briffa michael mann ipcc CRU crew of pirates gang of criminal professors fraudsters hide the decline cooling global temperatures lord monckton alex jones infowars cancun world government deal tax cash for UN eugenicist ghouls to set up massive bureaucracies all across planet planetary regime to enforce socialism depopulation eugenics



Max Keiser: Cancer is How They Will Take It All

On the Wednesday, August 1 edition the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former Wall Street stockbroker and filmmaker Max Keiser about the continuing implosion of the economy as the euro crisis plagues global economies, cuts factory and productive output, stimulates endemic joblessness, and the Federal Reserve warns the economy may be stuck in permanent slow growth. maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ planet.infowars.com Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients www.infowarsteam.com [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]] www.infowarsshop.com

They Tried to Make the World Forget his Name – Nikola Tesla the Greatest Inventor of All Time

Thank you for Sharing OlafWilhelm www.youtube.com Nikola Tesla – The Forgotten Wizard www.youtube.com Percy203 www.youtube.com ________________________________ for the full HQ version :] Part 1 www.youtube.com Part 2 www.youtube.com obmit83 www.youtube.com ________________________________ www.netsense.net The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things. Some Electromechanical devices and principles developed by Tesla: * various devices that use rotating magnetic fields (1882) * induction motor and high frequency alternator * means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations * alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system (1888) * Tesla coil * bladeless turbine * bifilar coil * Telegeodynamics * systems for wireless communication (prior art for the invention of radio) and radio frequency oscillators * robotics and the “AND” logic gate * X-rays Tubes using the bremsstrahlung process * devices for ionized gases * devices for high field emission * devices for charged particle beams * methods for providing extremely low level of resistance to the passage of electrical current * voltage multiplication circuitry * devices for high voltage discharges * devices for lightning protection * Magnifying Transmitter * VTOL aircraft * Dynamic theory of gravity