peter forbes – looking all around

A black and white super 8 film I made for the song ‘Looking All Around,’ off my Demos EP. It features a lot of interesting and beautiful street art from the city of Toronto. Thanks to John, Swapna and Amanda. This film played as part of the Island Media Arts Co-op project for the 2011 East Coast Music Awards in Charlottetown.

Super Third Eye Activation – Pineal Gland Activation

Mystery School Greek Mystery Religion tarot divinity channeling alien spirit extra dimensional being Hyper dimensional being Mars truth face on mars the singularity 2012 singularity Alien UFO fleet LOVE 11:11 Photon Belt Dimension Ascension Awakening 2012 Nibiru Galactic Alignment Merkaba Pleiades 23 pyramids sphinx alien atalntis chakras ufo spirituality enlightenment lemuria dna god divine vibration frequency alchemy kaballah crop circles mother ships 14 october terrence meckena michael …