Callers React to Tyrannical Gun Grabbing Bill

On the Sunday, July 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the international and domestic gun-grabber agenda in the wake of the United Nations failure for now to reach a consensus on the Small Arms Treaty on Friday. Alex talks about how the global elite and the anti-gun fanatics in Congress and the White House are now playing possum and plan to reintroduce the treaty and impose it and a raft of other anti-gun legislation on law-abiding Americans who exercise their Second Amendment right. Alex also covers the latest news and takes listener calls on today’s broadcast. [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]]

MSM Conditioning Public for “White” Domestic Terrorist with Shootings

UPDATE: A family member whose parents were victims of the shooting said his parents told him there were “multiple shooters” involved in a “coordinated” attack. An eyewitness to the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin says that a team of four men dressed in black carried out the massacre, contradicting the official narrative that a lone gunman was the culprit. Original Clip: RELATED: Sikh Temple Shooting: Get Ready For “Hate Crime” Propaganda – Just like the ‘Batman’ massacre, after which eyewitnesses clearly stated that James Holmes had an accomplice, today’s tragedy in Oak Creek is already throwing up questions that may suggest a wider plot. Speaking with the Associated Press, an eyewitness stated, “Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.” With the federal government already labeling the shootings a “domestic terror incident,” the narrative is already being manufactured to blame the tragedy on conservatives and libertarians, as well as demonizing the second amendment. President Barack Obama is already positioning himself to politically exploit the incident. Top Democratic strategists have previously welcomed the prospect of domestic terror incidents as a means of boosting Obama’s poll numbers and helping him re-connect with the American people. by Paul Joseph Watson

Was Dark Knight Shooter A Product of MKULTRA? Wayne Madsen Reports

Alex gets investigative journalist and author of “The Manufacturing of a President,” Wayne Madsen’s take on the Aurora massacre and the ensuing push on all fronts to regulate firearms as a result. Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said accused shooter James Holmes had a number of links to US government-funded research centers, including the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver, Madsen writes for the Wayne Madsen Report. “The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commisioned site of the US Army’s Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard,” Madsen explains. “The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation.” Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars “to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow



Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged!!

(US News and World Report) Last week’s shooting in Colorado shows us, once again, the failure of gun control. The Century 16 theaters in Aurora were “gun free” zones, where citizens are prohibited from carrying weapons for self defense. [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]]