Consciousness Explained!!!

I take no credit for the clips/pic/music.All I did was edit it together.Enjoy! … Consciousness Explained Will Smith Oprah Eckhart Tolle Dr.Wayne Dyer Deepak Chopra Quantum Physics David Icke Success the tao te ching we are all one infowars new age metaphysics secret law of attraction power now lao tzu deeper light stillness yes what bleep do know hagelin john dr. shift max planck albert einstein bill hicks earth from above everything is vs force hawkins hay house silent stuart wilde four …

The Party’s Over

Sing Along..The party’s Over….la …la… la…. la…. … Sidley Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Hillary Clinton Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Glenn Beck on Change Socialism …

Hawks Cafe 5 … Fema Camps Martial law Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron Paul NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Glenn Beck on Obamas Change …

Hawks Cafe 2 … Fema Camps Martial law Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron Paul..NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Glenn Beck on Obamas Change …

Hawks Cafe 7 end … Sidley Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron PaulNAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Glenn Beck on Obamas Change Socialism …