www.1shoppingcart.com Lucid is the powerful new Alchemy from ZP.tech, a powerful stimulator of “awake” time activities. Rapid memory recall, fast memory writing, increased awareness, faster reflexes and assisted third-eye (Pineal Gland) activation. Even more so, LUCID stimulates awareness at night during REM cycles to help achieve Lucid dreaming. We are thrilled to present LUCID to you. With a proprietary blend of Monoatomic Gold, Silver, Platinum, Ruthenium and Rhodium, LUCID is a game changer in the alchemical world. We look forward to hearing all of your experiences with our new alchemy. Created during the Supermoon in beautiful Layton Utah.

Search for Immortality – Documentary Part 2 of 3

This is a three part video documentary about the holy grail, the tree of life, and the elixir vitae. Key elements of the film include: Gnostic authors, grail mysteries, Monatomics, Alchemy, Chinese Alchemy, Western Alchemy, and the History of Alchemy. Modern biochemist and metallurgist are the new Alchemist, as we hunt for the knowledge to live beyond what past generations deemed possible.

Search for Immortality – Documentary Part 1 of 3

This is a three part video documentary about the holy grail, the tree of life, and the elixir vitae. Key elements of the film include: Gnostic authors, grail mysteries, Monatomics, Alchemy, Chinese Alchemy, Western Alchemy, and the History of Alchemy. Modern biochemist and metallurgist are the new Alchemist, as we hunt for the knowledge to live beyond what past generations deemed possible.

Lucid Alchemy by ZPTECH

www.1shoppingcart.com Lucid is the powerful new Alchemy from ZP.tech, a powerful stimulator of “awake” time activities. Rapid memory recall, fast memory writing, increased awareness, faster reflexes and assisted third-eye (Pineal Gland) activation. Even more so, LUCID stimulates awareness at night during REM cycles to help achieve Lucid dreaming. We are thrilled to present LUCID to you. With a proprietary blend of Monoatomic Gold, Silver, Platinum, Ruthenium and Rhodium, LUCID is a game changer in the alchemical world. We look forward to hearing all of your experiences with our new alchemy. Created during the Supermoon in beautiful Layton Utah.