flaws and all-beyonce (Cover)

me singing flaws and all by beyonce

The Truth About Nibiru and Sumerian Cylinder Seals

In memory of the late Mr Zecharia Sitchin the Late Dr Robert Harrington and the Late Dr. Carl Sagan. Dr Carl Sagan once wrote about the Sumerian Cylinder Seals and I quote “The illustrations on the cylinder seals have for this reason generally defied attempts to understand them in detail. They refer to mythological material otherwise lost… In each, there is a clear representation of some celestial object–a central circle, or sphere, surrounded by other, generally smaller circles or spheres.” End of Quote. Dr Harrington`s NASA Archives Research adsbit.harvard.edu Facts on Nibiru or Planet X xfacts.com Ancient Alien Artifacts – Xfacts.com www.youtube.com A Tribute to the late Zecharia Sitchen. offer tributes to Mr. Sitchin or to contact those handling his affairs, please email tributes@sitchin.com or send a letter to PO Box 577, New York, NY 10185. The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin www.sitchin.com Zecharia Featured in The New York Times www.nytimes.com Richard Hoagland Enterprise Mission www.enterprisemission.com Historic Evidence : Robert Sepehr’s research into the Earth’s past geology helps to establish and demonstrate a 3600 year pattern of cataclysm on Earth. www.planetxvideo.net Noted Researchers : Researchers and Proponents www.planetxvideo.net Anunnaki/Nephalim : Who were the Anunnaki? www.planetxvideo.net Biblical Prophecy : Planet X in Biblical Prophecy www.youtube.com PX on YouTube www.planetxvideo.net Nancy Lieder www.planetxvideo.net Lloyd Pye www

Rihanna Twitter Beef w/ Ciara, Remake for “The Body Gaurd”, NBA ALL STAR Weekend

Rihanna has had a week full of news coming out. 1st, she didnt do an event for Donald Trump, but performed at the All Star game. Jennifer Hudson was her replacement and Donald Said that Jen can out sing Rihanna. New pictures have been released of the beating of Rihnna by Chris brown, though it has been 2 years too late. There are talks of a remake of the classic film, “The Body Guard” with a modern Twist. Rihanna, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson are amoung a few names being thrown around to play the Pop Singer role and Channing Tatum for the role of the Body Guard.

flaws and all-beyonce

me singing flaws and all by beyonce