The All Seeing Eye Watching Us All

A video showing the hidden and not so hidden illuminati logo.

Understanding The-All-That-IS

What is the Universal-Mind? The One Consciousness? What is Telepathy? Who is God “The-One”? ~ As other animals are better connected to this “today people call it Instinct/Psychic”, and they haven’t had all the modern day conditioning we humans have had, they know when a natural disaster will occur as they are more attuned to The-All-That-Is, so that’s probably why animals flee before earthquakes and stuff like that. ~ All is One. I got a lot of this from listening to Peggy Kane, Credo Mutwa …

David Icke The “new age/ Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion 1

Signs of the time Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion before the second coming of Christ. Halfway through the tribulation the world rejects Judaism and Christianity. All remaining believers are told to come out of Babylon (Rev 18:4). At that point in time persecution by pagans begins in earnest against the believers of Jehovah/Jesus all over the world. The “new age/new spirituality” movement is a loose collection of many things that have pagan roots. This modern pagan …

Project Truth (May 8, 2009)

sitchin, travis walton, richard hoagland, norio hayakawa, government experiments, bermuda triangle, dragons triangle … “911 truth” mason illuminati DUMBs chemtrails UFO builderburg bohemian club area 51 flouride aspartame david icke art bell bob lazar bill cooper phil schneider george noory clifford stone richard hoagland nazca lines georgia guidestones RFID chip alister crowley travis walton graham hancock zach sitchin aaron russo norio hayakawa USO bermuda triangle dragon FEMA denver air …