The Mannequinpianoconcert / Das Mannequinklavierkonzert

The Mannequinpianoconcert / Das Mannequinklavierkonzert. Surreal fantastic painting by german artist Eike Erzmoneit. Acrylic paint on board. All images copyright Eike Erzmoneit. Music by Siggi Albrecht. See more at:

All IS ONE = NOW * * * *

BE the Inspiration. Join the NOW. SUBSCRIBE NOW & join us on a journey into the heart of mind! Echoes Of Clarity ———————————————– will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration of NOW and how this very moment is all you really have. Attaining this knowledge and the practical application of it will lead to a positive and blissful experience of life. Visit

A Positive LSD Story on The News – Bill Hicks on Drugs

Bill Hicks asking for a Positive LSD story on the news. This is one of my favourite clips off Bill so I just had to stick it up here to share it with you guys. It amazes me how many people don’t know about Bill Hicks. Lightening fast, politically perfect and funny as hell! Why are all the greats snatched away from us? RIP Bill Hicks Dec 16th, 1961 – Feb 26th, 1994. Video Lyrics: …How about a positive LSD story, that would be news-worthy. Don’t you think…? Anybody think that…? Just once, to hear a positive LSD story…? Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves… Here’s Tom with the weather.

Graham Hancock explains the War on Consciousness

There is a war going on for your mind – Truth is the ultimate religion and Love is the key…. Clip from The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast #142 with Graham Hancock All credit goes to Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock… please tune into The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast for more PEACE AND LOVE to all