Consciousness Explained!!!

I take no credit for the clips/pic/music.All I did was edit it together.Enjoy! … Consciousness Explained Will Smith Oprah Eckhart Tolle Dr.Wayne Dyer Deepak Chopra Quantum Physics David Icke Success the tao te ching we are all one infowars new age metaphysics secret law of attraction power now lao tzu deeper light stillness yes what bleep do know hagelin john dr. shift max planck albert einstein bill hicks earth from above everything is vs force hawkins hay house silent stuart wilde four …


This video discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi …


the nations of the planet and bring in World Government. – Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government. – The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. http … changedachannel Obamadeception obama deception alex jones infowars …


Jason Bermas, infowarrior is joined by Alex Jones and Steve Quayle for another Emergency Broadcast 4-29-09. Steve calls upon the almighty for strength to do his will.