Illusion of Reality (All is One) Part 2

Illusion of Reality TAGS: Glodal awakening Oneness 2012 Nibiru Dr. Deagle Philip Schneider ILLUMINATI Bloodlines Global elite Reptilians Jordan Maxwell NASA PROJECT BLUEBEAM Credo Mutwa NWO William (Bill) Cooper Naomi Klein Karl Jung Hopi William Henry John Lear Esoteric Agenda Dogon tribe Mars Peggy Kane David Icke Draconians Eckhart Tolle

Everything Is Energy

can see. What is the dark matter that makes up the rest of the universe? How can we find out? Though we understand many important properties of the fundamental building blocks of our universe, there are untold mysteries still to solve. Advances in technology allow physicists to build more powerful and sophisticated instruments to look deeper and deeper inside matter. Like adventurers entering unknown territory, physicists forge ahead into ever smaller dimensions. What will be their next …

Steve Quayle Calls upon the Lord

Jason Bermas, infowarrior is joined by Alex Jones and Steve Quayle for another Emergency Broadcast 4-29-09. Steve calls upon the almighty for strength to do his will.