Zbigniew Brzezinski – US Will Not Go To War With Iran Or Support Israel If They Do

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Bibel TV, Facebook, Allsehendes Auge, Illuminati

Heute wurde auf Facebook vom Sender “Bibel TV” folgendes Bild im Video veröffentlich. Ich finde es schade das ein Christlicher Sender erstens ein Bildniss von Gott Postet und zweitens im Hintergrund mit dem Horus Auge (Allsehendes Auge). Das Auge wird ebenfalls von den Illuminaten verwendet sowie von den alten Ägyptern. „Du sollst dir kein Gottesbild machen und keine Darstellung von irgendetwas am Himmel droben, auf der Erde unten oder im Wasser unter der Erde.” 5. Mose 5:8 www.facebook.com

Is The CIA Director Mitt Romney’s VP Choice?

On the Wednesday, August 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with the critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and former State Department official, Steve Pieczenik, about the rumored selection of CIA director General David Petraeus as Mitt Romney’s running mate. Pieczenik’s books include State of Emergency, Pax Pacifica, and a number of fiction titles under Tom Clancy’s imprint. www.stevepieczenik.com www.infowars.com www.planetinfowars.com [Support infowars and spread the news] www.infowarsstore.com www.prisonplanet.tv


There is a crazy, creepy world out there. It is so obvious this is a Masonic/Illuminati handshake(I’ve studied it) and what’s sad is that some will say it is nothing. Even look how Laura Bush reacts, she KNOWS what they are doing. She knows what their family is. I find this small piece of evidence to be amazing, spread this video everywhere you can! Please subscribe 🙂

SATANIC MADONNA Super Bowl Half Time Show

ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING? WILL YOU WAKE UP TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER? WILL YOU SUBMIT TO THE ANTICHRIST OR GOD? Logical Proof there is a God: Nothing can come from nothing. Something must come from something. Something cannot come from nothing. You think therefore you exist. Existence is something. The universe (time/space) is something. The universe must have come from something. That something must be Above time/space. The Source is thus Eternal and Infinite. The Source is God. The most important commandment of all the prophets, that which separated them from the polytheists, was Monotheism. They all preached that there is only One God. The same goes for Jesus, peace be upon him. He prayed to God and bowed down to Him. The Qur’an is the last and final Revelation from God. It is for all of mankind. It is unchanged – it is the same for over 1400 years, in the Arabic language. It is without a doubt the greatest literary work in all of Arabic history. It is the most frequently read and memorized book in all of human history. There are millions of people alive who have the entire Qur’an memorized by heart, including children ten years old and younger. The Qur’an also has many scientific and mathematical Miracles in it as well which are still being discovered. The Message is clear – worship The Creator – not the creation, and do good deeds, and you will be rewarded with Eternal Paradise. If God gave us this life, certainly He has The Power to raise us from the dead and give us