There is a crazy, creepy world out there. It is so obvious this is a Masonic/Illuminati handshake(I’ve studied it) and what’s sad is that some will say it is nothing. Even look how Laura Bush reacts, she KNOWS what they are doing. She knows what their family is. I find this small piece of evidence to be amazing, spread this video everywhere you can! Please subscribe 🙂
Tag: Jachin
The Bushes perform a Masonic handshake on 9/11
. Even look how Laura Bush reacts, she KNOWS what they are doing. She knows what their family is. I find this small piece of evidence to be amazing, spread this video everywhere you can! Please subscribe 🙂 … bush skull and bones masonic handshake masons free mason frimurarna zionists temple Boaz Jachin Pillars Jahbulon devilworshiper satanic luciferian usa israel zionism new world order 9/11 truth secret oaths societies alex jones jordan maxwell George herbert walker all seeing eye horus …